Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Size Chart Of Talon Sport

Petra, how I miss you a second-hand

would remind you that I had just been discharged from a taxi on a street unknown to Baghdad and I did not know where to go.
I really felt like a poor, poor wretch, and had the bag with wet photos of prints made at the Institute and, once home, I'd have to lay them sciugare began to weigh more.
decided to call home, hoping that our cook, Ghiliana, could help me.
recall that he had told me: "Every shop has telephone".
I went into every shop that faces the street, making the big question in Arabic: "Tilifon aku? (Is there a telephone?) And the answer was invariably:" Maku "(no).
A thin ansietta began to creep into me.
then I caught a bus to the two small groups, one consisting of young girls in school uniform (white blouse and black tee) that, like all over the world, giggling with each other as they watched with great interest two boys also their students.
without fear I aimed towards students considering the girls too stupid to listen to me.
The two young men were chatting among themselves, but broke off their conversation when I approached. One of them, while not completely understanding my English, I was persuaded to seek a fortune for a telephone not far to call home and, thanks to the
nformation given to him by a snarling Ghiliana, stopped a taxi whose driver told where to take me.
I thanked him very warmly and they came back by his friend with whom he was conversing.
These are the Arabs! Kind and helpful. I happen
other drivers, such as a half-hour after that race, so I needed to go home by the Institute, would not be paid, and another very talkative who told me that he had worked with a company in Milan and I asked what he liked more, he said without fear: "The girls".
And then he asked, again in English: "But you are what you eat to be so beautiful?"
I spent two months in Baghdad velocente.
work at the museum almost every day and force many to photograph fragments of ivory could finish the film stock.
But the city had incredible resources, we could really find anything, so I could find in a neighborhood of shops specializing in photographs, what I needed.
I also had the thrill of printing photos on the crappy Chinese paper. Then I began
to photograph the crockery on the ruins and there are other problems with the light that came and it was not because he needed to start the generator fuel oil and the staff that we did not want to go ask the family that there could give as c 'was the rust. It took the protests of archaeologists to persuade them to go and ask the fuel.
I succeeded in spite of this incident and others, such as electrical outlets that did not work, doing all the shooting.
On excavation, however, was not hurt, aside from the fact that the cook was dirty and the fridge, sometimes seemed to be the tomb of the leftovers. We had the phone, imposed on us by our ambassador to our security. We could do
then phone calls to Baghdad and expensive to make and receive phone calls from Italy.
I still shake my wrists at the memory of the Telecom bill arrived for a long time.
There was also a pleasure-seeking side of the mission.
The invitation to dinner on the excavation by the guards guarding the camp, with a dinner served on the floor on a long tablecloth palstic which was followed by chants of our guests and for our part, while their women, who had prepared the dinner we peered outside.
The call of the Italian house.
The invitation to the house of the greek where everyone dances the Sirtaki, and where a very efficient housekeeper, among other things, read the coffee grounds. The call
our house of the Italian escorted by police who came to Kabul, which did not seem to come true in a haven of peace (who never imagined what would happen from there to 5 months) and to find so many beautiful girls.
quell'occosione In each of us prepared a particular dish: Eleonora, she cooked a Sicilian pasta fragrant. Paul, our "boss" of sweet and sour meatballs, I prepared the sauce and our chef prepared, growling excellent gnocchi.
There was also among the guests, the German ambassador, a great man who, unlike ours, which, when he came, he wore only himself, his driver arrived, preceded by loading of beverage. There
furono i blitz nei vari suk dove comprammo tutto quello che era possibile comprare e stivare in valigia con contrattazioni lunghe ed estenuati. Ero sempre io che accompagnavo le ragazze che ,essendo palesemente straniere e molto graziose attiravano gli sguardi e non solo dei maschietti locali.
Il dinaro iraqueno era diventato ormai carta straccia.
Ai tempi delle missioni un dinaro valeva 3 dollari e con 350 dinari si poteva fare la paga settimanale degli operai degli scavi.
Ora un dinaro valeva una lira ed uscivamo dai negozi, dove si poteva fare il cambio, con sacchetti di plastica nera tipo quelli della spazzatura, ma più piccoli, pieni di banconote da 250 dinari l'una. Un'impresa solo a contarli.
Scoprimmo un negozio dove trovammo ceramiche NL Nederlands by local green-blue color and delicious that I think is written in Arabic written language more beautiful, harmonious and decorative that it exists and all we bought in industrial quantities, we went to a building where they were auctioned Persian rugs, Kurdish guides that we could buy for very little, even today, I think many of us will eat your hands for not being able to buy anything
precisely because of transport.
To return to the main theme of these episodes, all were going at the end of the mission, to go once they arrive in Petra to Amman.
Our chief mission had brought with him the money for at least two or three trips hidden in the belt of the traveler. This was a revelation to me: it was a belt of normal skin, but inside, you could hide the money with a zip as long as the belt itself, which, once opened, they could easily contain. At the end
nesun had more desire to visit this blessed Petra, a bit expensive because it cost a little bit because she wanted to go home, so nothing came of it.
I could not go alone: \u200b\u200bwe were a group and then as a group had to come back.
And so it happened.


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