Friday, February 15, 2008

Scabs On Legs And Feet

Petra, how I miss a third-party

Robertina, my archaeologist and a young woman of delicate beauty.
is not one of those girls that hit you the forms, however, harmonious, or the eccentric clothing.
Bel oval face, adorned by two dimples that appear when you smile, framed by two bands of blacks and smooth hair, nice smile, big eyes, good posture.

's funny and knows how to tell things in a funny way with words that make you roll with laughter but ...... when working becomes very strict, precise, very serious.

'nuff said, in short, do not ride anymore.

Our work was carried out in tandem. I made a few dozen photos, then downloaded the digital cards to enable it to do, with description, measurements and observations of the same variety.

The ugly was when I had to blacklist the coins: In addition to the description, when they were leggibili, doveva prendere le misure e "pesarle".
Però io ogni tanto facevo dei pasticci con quelle stramaledette monete.
Capitò l'ultimo giorno in cui lavorammo al magazzino.

All'ultimo il direttore, persona capace e molto intelligente, tirò fuori, probablimente dalla cassaforte, un sacchettino di plastica contenente 59 monete d'oro, parecchi orecchini, sempre d'oro, e minuscoli gioiellini uno più bello dell'altro e, per velocità, pesò il sacchetto, per cautela, non si sa mai!

Non solo, volle che Robertina ed io andassimo a fotografare e schedare i reperti nel suo ufficio.

Insomma quegli oggetti non dovevano uscire dalla sua stanza.

The earrings were an amazing beauty, the rings were decorated with delicate carvings cornaline.
I hope I do not use improper terms in the description of the materials.

long as it was to photograph the gems, all went well: as taking them over them available with the right sequence on the table where he worked Robertina, being careful not to mess also because some of them were similar.
When I started shooting coins trouble began.
The coins were not only written texts and writings that I had to invent a method for non-photographic twice the same face.

Obviously they were written in Arabic.

Unfortunately I made a mess for which non solo dovetti rifotografarle ma anche Robertina dovette rifare il suo lavoro di schedatura.

Non mi prese a male parole, che onestamete avrei meritato, ma i suoi occhi lampeggiaro in modo eloquente e gli accenti con cui si rivolse a me furono piuttosto vibrati.

A parte questo episodio andammo sempre d'accordo.

Si lavorava a ritmo serrato non solo nei locali destinati allo studio e alla riprese , ma arrivammo a lavorare anche in albergo per tre giorni di fila, supportate validamente dal nostro restauratore, Enrico.

C'era non so quale festività per cui gli edifici pubblici rimasero chiusi.

Il direttore che, come questo episodio mette in evidenza, era una persona intelligente, ci allowed to carry out local deputies to the conservation, coins, seals, etc.. in order to enable us to work, since, as usual, the times were tight and I wanted to, among other things, retaking the bronze coins at the beginning times so unsatisfactory.

detached only to eat and smoke, I and some cigarettes.

want to talk a little bit of Henry, great restorer of the Archaeological Superintendence of Turin. He had to attend in place of a conservator, the mission in Iraq in 1972, but because of his military duties was replaced by one who later became my husband.
They came both from the same Institute of Art in Faenza, from which they had specializzati in restauro, ma mentre mio marito preferì la libera professione, Enrico fu "fagocitato" dal Centro Scavi e Ricerche per cui ha lavorato fino a non moltissimo tempo fà, sempre che le mie informazioni siano esatte.

Bravissimo nella sua professione, adattabile ad ogni situazione, sapeva mimetizzarsi tra gli arabi, grazie al suo aspetto: non altissimo, baffetti e, soprattutto buona conoscenza della lingua araba che, credetemi, è veramente una enorme risorsa.

E fu così che, durante i nostri dopocena, aggiunse notiziole interessanti a ciò che riguardava le missioni che mi ero perduta, perchè "tenevo" famiglia e con due bimbi piccoli non mi era certo possibile andare a lavorare all'estero.
He told us, as well as several other episodes, when the missiles fell in the garden next to the residence of the mission (the title of the film seems almost the same name) probably during the Gulf War.
He went to Baghdad during the war began, as noted, in 2003 to reorganize the restoration laboratory, traveling with his jacket antiprioiettile, risking his life in pu than one occasion.
Sore East? Love your work? A bit small and not so much of unconsciousness?
Perhaps all of this! With

Robertina occasionally after work, went shopping.
Amman was divided into "circles" were areas I think, to my shame I never thought that they were thoroughly huge round. The very thing that struck me was getting into a taxi.

I used those smashed taxi in Baghdad, where the wallpaper was just a memory, and springs almost pierce the backside and to open doors, often it was not clear where to put their hands because they lacked the finish and the same all the levers and springs were in sight.

Taxis in Amman were "new" machines, well TENITE, clean e.. had the meter!

Robertina accompanied me in my raids, stoically because every package as it was in Amman just three weeks earlier he had already "given" to the purchases.
However, thanks to her I discovered many interesting shops in which I found the pretty little things.

Mi avrebbero lapidata!

Finalmente il venerdì, due giorni prima della partenza riuscimmo ad organizzare una gitarella fuori "porta".
Anche questa volta Petra non potè essere considerata perchè, gli altri partecipanti alla missione, avendo avuto diversi giorni liberi, causati dalle festività locali, erano andati credo dappertutto, Petra compresa.

Comunque Robertina, Buteina, che era la direttrice del restauro di Bagdad e aveva
accompagnato i restauratori di cui ho parlato all'inzio, ed io passammo una bellissima giornata andando a visitare il Monte Mataba, ci recammo sulle rive del Giordano al di là delle quali vidi sventolare la bandiera Israeli and immediately appeared on my cell phone signal repeater them. and try "emotion" to sink your feet into the Dead Sea beach.

Robertina could not restrain himself from going to pucca his paws in the water and slather on the famous mud to the knees.

As you can see in this picture the people in preparing the kebabs on the trip fornacelle directly on the beach.

Obviously, we only came up smoking! Come back

Buteina and our driver, a big woman who was surely one of us twice, Rosi hunger, piloted us to a restaurant, desert in the afternoon, which served us to eat half a chicken head with his hands strictly.

two of us ate it a little while the other two finished their portions tear, let it go our leftovers.

still write for hours, it seems clear that is a big talker, but the memories that I have mentioned here do not remain in my heart and that of my friend.

Finally we left, I actually would have stayed there a little longer just to go around sites and shops, and then the "normal" life was waiting for us, not least emotion, belief shared by many of losing luggage, fortunately later recovered after 15 days, Caselle. Now I'm

here writing my memories, which fortunately are as beautiful as it is also very beautiful memories of "my ARCHAEOLOGICAL" at which this final section deals!

little postscript: I'm in the group photo on the left, center and Buteina Robertina right.


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