Thursday, February 7, 2008

WerÉ To Get Temazepam

Gianni Vattimo

There Ever associate a color, a smell, a pleasant person to an event or not?
It happened to me just now.
wandering among the television networks, almost in desperation, I tuned to the 7, which is one of my favorite channels, and who did I see? In addition to the pleasant
Alain Elkan was also professor Gianni Vattimo attrente too much, maybe a few years older than me but moooooolto well worn.
Well, I know him personally, and now tell you how.
was 1967 and, finally, after five years of waiting I was going to make the competition for qualified technical photographer. Until then, I still played those tasks with the rank of janitor in that place was not there and, finally, after all this time my boss was able to hold the competition in order to regularize my situation.
Then the Institute of Archaeology and Philosophy was located in Via Po 18 and still remember Professor Guzzo, Professor of Philosophy. He was a pear-shaped little man, very refined and elegant, but, above all, remember that time when I, twenty years old, I wanted to give him up to get him first in bibloteca a sign of respect.
He came to the side and, letting go, she said: "Miss, I was born the last century." It was not just
gallantry was polite and respect for women. Then
Gianni Vattimo, who knew little, was the assistant of Professor Guzzo and I still remember when I waved smiling, friendly, blond, elegant and beautiful on the stairs that led to my cabinet photo. It was part of the committee that was to preside at my competition.
Well when I hear his name I remember it well.


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