Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pregnancy Congratulations Messages

Petra as I miss you! ! part- Petra

all remember What happened on 11 September 2001 and as Bush was convinced of the existence in Iraq of dangerous weapons of mass destruction hidden somewhere, and as was later verified, but never found. Well
Centro Scavi di Torino for the immediate effect was that the cherished dream to start excavations at Tell Omar remain such.
I was told that at the end of that year, however, a fact-finding mission went to Iraq for the study, precisely, and cataloging of pottery and that these, once studied, cataloged and stored in the memory of computers were then buried in a hole the excavation and it was passed on a tractor. The officials of the Superintendency iraquena not wanted in their stores. In 2002
they organized a second fact-finding mission.
I still remember the meeting you had in the department and the large group of students who would participate, the speeches, the recommendations of the Head of Mission in Iraq did to those who had never been on what to do and especially on the attitudes of not take place once the case for women's clothing.
The political situation was not at all good and we were all very undecided whether to go or not.
Our "spokesperson" communicated our concerns to the Director Prof. Gullini, which unfortunately now no longer exists and that I remember with great affection and gratitude for all that you taught me, and was violently denounced as cowardice.
We left anyway. The mission was to last two months and we brought in our suitcases, and of course our personal effects, including study materials, photographic paper, film development, a barrage of short stuff.
The number of students participating in the mission was reduced to four, four beautiful girls who arrived in Baghdad almost all of the navel outside!
October 13, 2002 We left and I festeggiai traveling my sixtieth birthday, without a shred of cake, alas. The outward journey was made entirely by air, we went to Amman to Baghdad, Iraq Airways flight with a very expensive and when you arrive at your destination because we went directly to the excavation at his residence in Baghdad there was no place for all.
The accommodation was good also because Paul and Henry, respectively, Head of Mission and great restorer had worked to make it so.
I still remember staying in a lovely single room, outside of which, under my window, slept and snored a musket-armed guard for night surveillance.
The study had two missions: one was to occupy the ivories from Nimrud study at the Baghdad museum and other crockery to catalog and file on the excavations.
Dovendole documenting both I had to divide between Baghdad and the excavation dragging me behind my camera (I had not then my beloved Canon).
problems at Baghdad museum erano rappresentati dal fatto che ci davano i reperti da studiare col contagocce, se li davano, e non potevamo dire nulla. Alla fine scoprimmo che regalando ogni mattina un pacchetto di sigarette ad un vecchio magazziniere potevamo aggirare l'ostacolo.
I reperti erano tanti, tanti frammenti d'avorio decorati con incrostazioni sagomate di lapislazzuli, disegni vari, finemente incisi, una meraviglia! Era un lavoro bello, mi piaceva farlo e se potessi averne l'occasione lo farei ancora.
Ma il mio lavoro non finiva lì.
Una volta uscite dal museo, alla fine dell'orario e cioè verso le 14, le ragazze venivano riaccompagnate agli scavi mentre io venivo depositata all'Istituto Italo-Iraqueno dove sviluppavo e in seguito stampavo il frutto of my work in the morning. On those occasions, I stayed to sleep in the townhome.
But my problem, at least at the beginning was made up by having to take a cab and explain to the driver who often did not speak anything but Arabic, where I had to carry.
In Baghdad there are no roads nor numbers on doors of homes, but neighborhoods is like a rose up and said to a taxi driver: "Take me to the spreader or Mirafiori.
So I had written on a quadernino the name of the neighborhood, in addition to their home phone number, you never know, and I located the reference points, such asempio a fence or wall a portrait of Saddam in order to give precise directions to the driver. Unfortunately, the taxi drivers
per non perdere la corsa dicevano di sapere qual'era il quartiere senza sapere assolutamente dove poterva trovarsi.
E così una sera beccai proprio uno di quelli.
Costui mi portò a dire il vero abbastanza vicino, ma prese una scorciatoia, girò prima insomma, ed io non riconobbi più i luoghi.
Avevo voglia a dirgli che doveva esserci una ritratto di Saddam sulla sinistra mentre lui mi rispondeva che era pieno di ritratti a sinistra e a destra.
Alla fine abbastanza seccato mi scaricò proprio così mi fece scendere e se ne andò.
Io non sapevo assolutamente dove mi trovavo e cominciava a fare buio.


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