Monday, February 11, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Shot Put?

Petra, how I miss the third-party-

Beginning in February 2005.
By chance I was in Turin and was about to fall in Lucerna, where I live, when I get a call from the Centro Scavi.
Benedict phone!!
Tear up as a sliver of the city to the other end, where he was at the time the Centro Scavi, and here I have an interview with the heads of mission in Jordan already started asking me if they are interested in going to Amman for two weeks to take shots of material seized at the border Iraqueno-Jordan.

hands and knees I would have gone even clinging to the basket of the plane: I like to travel, move, even to go to work, even to do the tour de force.

Exactly eight days later I was on the plane in the company of Robertina, my "archeologist" with which I had to work and that he had to endure.

Amman were under two separate projects.

The first concerned the training of young restorers in force at the Cabinet for the restoration of Soprintenza iraquena, with their director, hosted in Amman for security reasons, while the second was to photograph, describe and study of artifacts confiscated at the border with Iraq. A short BRIL Jordan. From Italy

experts had arrived with a mandate to oversee training for these young people which, I believe, did not seem real to be hosted in a context different from that in which, every day, they were forced to live.

lessons, practical and theoretical, were held by conservators from Rome and Turin and supported by interpreters in Arabic.

As for the confiscated artifacts, part of the documentation Photo was already done, in digital and ambient light, while for the publication was the need for more professional photos.
's why I was in Amman.

Every morning we went with a group of buildings that included both the premises
in cabinet restoration and study of the seizures, and the warehouses in which were preserved archaeological finds of all kinds of genre, beautifully preserved.
I can not say more because I could not see anything that was not inherent in what I had photographed.

I expected a large amount of menete, about 350, as well as pottery, glass, cuneiform tablets, to be photographed one by one, straight line, and I must say that the beginning was not the brightest.
I lost the hand to photograph the coins, and my digital camera had limitations in that did not allow me to approach more than 10 cm. I managed to photograph them with various tests, but the result, even after a long time does not satisfy me yet, although it was acceptable.

I remember it was terribly cold and did not miss anything from the meteorological point of view.
Rain, wind and snow delights us for some morning and although we tried to warm up with some heaters, I worked with her coat.
Fortunately, a few days after I moved with my equipment on the premises where they were studying the findings and the sight of long radiators I lit up and comforted.

Fixed table top, the bottom, usually blue, and the lights, I proceeded to photograph the most interesting objects I had ever seen, decorative glass, other than that I photographed dozens during missions in Baghdad jugs decorated with engravings bearing crosses and figures of saints and shaped so that each side had a decoration, a different portrait. Crockery who photographed in front, right side, left, back and details of the face, when I felt that it was worth it.
sfrenai I, in fact.
If those figures had been able to breathe I also photographed the clouds of smoke from the mouth, not to mention the fact that I was and am convinced that the archaeologist can not, then the subject at hand would have to resort to pototo focumentazione photo.
Ma ..... with computerized cataloging work was longer and more complex.
I happened even a hiccup, a pinax fact, that a small votive tablet, fortunately a copy, fell to the ground while photographing.
was quickly restored, however, the manager of the store was informed.

We used to go to work in the morning around 9 and we stayed until 15, I think, thanks to the courtesy of the Director himself that allowed us to work beyond normal office hours.
For lunch we'd take yogurt e della marmellata Hero che avevo trovato nel supermercato dietro all'albergo. Poi qualcuno di noi andava ad acquistare delle deliziose focacce che tagliavamo a spicchi e il tutto spariva in un baleno.
Come diceva Robertina, con quel tipo di pranzo non sarebbe stato difficile dimagrire.

Finito il lavoro, spesso, prima di tornare in albergo facevamo delle puntate presso i negozi che ci erano stati suggeriti da un'altra archeologa che ad Amman ci viveva e che ci forniva indicazioni, mappe e tutte le delucidazioni necessarie, quando non poteva accompagnarci di persona (grazie ancora, Ali ( che sta per Alessandra).
Amman, che è a 900 metri, e questo poteva far comprendere perchè, pur essendo in paese mediorientale facesse così freddo, non mi piaceva molto probabilmente perchè non la conoscevo.

Non mi piaceva perchè forse non c'erano i suq?
Negozietti carini e cari ce ne erano però, ed io riuscii comunque a portare a casa parecchie cose interessanti per la gioia di parenti ed amici. Qui sotto ce n'è un esempio.
Avrei voluto comprare tutto anche perchè era talmente ben struttarato e tutto era cosi ben esposto che invitava allo shopping più sfrenato!!

L'albergo era veramente confortevole.
Ognuno di noi aveva a disposizione una suite e, gioia delle gioie, un televisore che trasmetteva Rai 3. La domenica però era una rottura in quanto quell'unico canale trasmette una tide of sport, but we
however, the consolation of knowing what was happening in Italy and abroad and, right on February 14, I knew dell'uccsione Rafik ARIR, the beginning of troubles for Lebanon.
Mammazan cooked there as well for themselves, for Robertina and Henry, our resturatore. We met everyone from me: there was always a pasta, vegetables and even all that the supermarket behind the hotel had to offer. To be fair
Robertina offered to always wash the dishes.

I describe "my archeologist."
But I will next time.


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