Thursday, May 6, 2010

Error On Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector

Wednesday, Thursday

Since this recipe with a lag, and so the breakfast on Thursday and followed by dinner on Wednesday! ;-)

old Lisbon. I took the recipe from the book published by Cod Guido Tommasi. I have reduced the amount of oil (100 ml recommended by my 70 ml) and replaced with 4 tomatoes 15 cherry tomatoes. In this recipe I like cooking in layers: the ingredients are arranged one above the other and let cook without stirring. From the initial direction and then let the flavors you organize yourself. The end result I find a harmony of tastes elegant, transparent. I confess that food cooked in this way seems to have a peaceful energy quality, reassuring really. And then, specifically, is a very very tasty recipe.

700 g cod (I bought it already soaked, ready to be cooked)
15 ripe tomatoes 2 onions 4 potatoes
1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon paprika 1
leaf laurel
1 clove garlic 1 sprig of parsley
70 ml extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

Slice the vegetables. Cut the salt cod. Arrange ingredients in layers beginning from tomatoes, and potatoes in slices, onions, half a clove of garlic and salt cod. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat and finish with a layer of potatoes. Season with bay leaf whole, the sprig of parsley, paprika, olive oil and butter in flakes. Cover and cook over a low flame for 40 minutes.


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