Sunday, May 2, 2010

Are My Eyebrows Too Light To Wax

Sunday lunch: rice, beans and asparagus with cream of potato and leek flan

250 g wholemeal rice
1 spring onion of Tropea
125 g of peeled fava beans (1 kg were almost the beginning!)
12 asparagus
salt, extra virgin olive oil

Wash the rice well and cook in a double volume of water (eg 1 cup rice to 2 cups of water). When it rises to a boil, lower the heat to low, add a pinch of salt, cover and cook for 15 minutes, turn and, still covered, let stand another 15 minutes. Important during cooking Do not lift the lid and do not mix. The rice will absorb all the water and grains will be perfectly cooked.

In a large pan heat over low heat a few tablespoons of olive oil, add chopped onion and let brown for a few minutes. Place the asparagus, cut into small washers (leave the ends intact), salt, stir, and cook for 8-10 minutes, adding a little hot water to simmer.

Meanwhile, blanch the beans in 100 g of boiling water for 3 minutes. Blend and season with salt and 1 tablespoon of oil.

sauté the rice with the asparagus and serve with the cream of beans.


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