Thursday, February 21, 2008

How To Stretch Muscle Between Groin And Quad

Today is market day

Lo sò già.
Fra un pò, ora è ancora molto presto, andrò a vestirmi e , a meno che non ci sia la bufera o nevichi, uscirò.

E andrò al mercato.

In famiglia know my weakness and know that my legs with his own will, will head for the stalls set up in the center of the country.

is not very good but there's a market stall, the one that attracts me a.

It 's a stall that makes "bolcchi.
For non-professionals can be an obscure term, but for me it is a great value "magic".

It means that sellers have gone to shops that have closed and sold their inventories for a few euro, but they sell it for a while but ..... well.

means that the auctions have gone bankrupt and then you can see on display, furs and other items clothing.

fact two years ago I bought the fur, absolutely fabulous, I've worn for the graduation of my son and many other things.

Currently, in one corner of stall is a block of stocks of a shop (I bought yards and yards of trimmings for a few Euros I brought home bags of precious materials), to give vent my last passioncella The package of themed placemats. What then


There was the time of the mats in the shape of fir, made up of transparent cloth and decorated with golden bells (also purchased at the market) made for Christmas, the heart-shaped placemats for S. Valentino, give yourself mei to children, and are in "gestation" those egg-shaped Easter.

But when the market in my country is not enough more to go wild in Pinerolo and there every now and then there's the coup.

addition to two bags of Roncato lately, among other things and dealing on the price, with 30% discount, I bought for 20 € a beautiful handbag Cocinelle that I admire.

What do you want in my collection of bags, just missing that color!

When I go away I go to Turin and then the market of the spreader is mine if I can find parking, but I find him, as well as the market of S. Rita or to Corso Palestro, near the Via Cernaia, in fact.

I started these delicacies, which make you want to throw in the air stalls in search of unexpected things, my daughter and I found an alter ego, unrestrained, like me, in my daughter's boyfriend, who has a great look to try and find, with a sure hand and the result of long familiarity and experience, the most interesting things.

So who will we ever stop?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Scabs On Legs And Feet

Petra, how I miss a third-party

Robertina, my archaeologist and a young woman of delicate beauty.
is not one of those girls that hit you the forms, however, harmonious, or the eccentric clothing.
Bel oval face, adorned by two dimples that appear when you smile, framed by two bands of blacks and smooth hair, nice smile, big eyes, good posture.

's funny and knows how to tell things in a funny way with words that make you roll with laughter but ...... when working becomes very strict, precise, very serious.

'nuff said, in short, do not ride anymore.

Our work was carried out in tandem. I made a few dozen photos, then downloaded the digital cards to enable it to do, with description, measurements and observations of the same variety.

The ugly was when I had to blacklist the coins: In addition to the description, when they were leggibili, doveva prendere le misure e "pesarle".
Però io ogni tanto facevo dei pasticci con quelle stramaledette monete.
Capitò l'ultimo giorno in cui lavorammo al magazzino.

All'ultimo il direttore, persona capace e molto intelligente, tirò fuori, probablimente dalla cassaforte, un sacchettino di plastica contenente 59 monete d'oro, parecchi orecchini, sempre d'oro, e minuscoli gioiellini uno più bello dell'altro e, per velocità, pesò il sacchetto, per cautela, non si sa mai!

Non solo, volle che Robertina ed io andassimo a fotografare e schedare i reperti nel suo ufficio.

Insomma quegli oggetti non dovevano uscire dalla sua stanza.

The earrings were an amazing beauty, the rings were decorated with delicate carvings cornaline.
I hope I do not use improper terms in the description of the materials.

long as it was to photograph the gems, all went well: as taking them over them available with the right sequence on the table where he worked Robertina, being careful not to mess also because some of them were similar.
When I started shooting coins trouble began.
The coins were not only written texts and writings that I had to invent a method for non-photographic twice the same face.

Obviously they were written in Arabic.

Unfortunately I made a mess for which non solo dovetti rifotografarle ma anche Robertina dovette rifare il suo lavoro di schedatura.

Non mi prese a male parole, che onestamete avrei meritato, ma i suoi occhi lampeggiaro in modo eloquente e gli accenti con cui si rivolse a me furono piuttosto vibrati.

A parte questo episodio andammo sempre d'accordo.

Si lavorava a ritmo serrato non solo nei locali destinati allo studio e alla riprese , ma arrivammo a lavorare anche in albergo per tre giorni di fila, supportate validamente dal nostro restauratore, Enrico.

C'era non so quale festività per cui gli edifici pubblici rimasero chiusi.

Il direttore che, come questo episodio mette in evidenza, era una persona intelligente, ci allowed to carry out local deputies to the conservation, coins, seals, etc.. in order to enable us to work, since, as usual, the times were tight and I wanted to, among other things, retaking the bronze coins at the beginning times so unsatisfactory.

detached only to eat and smoke, I and some cigarettes.

want to talk a little bit of Henry, great restorer of the Archaeological Superintendence of Turin. He had to attend in place of a conservator, the mission in Iraq in 1972, but because of his military duties was replaced by one who later became my husband.
They came both from the same Institute of Art in Faenza, from which they had specializzati in restauro, ma mentre mio marito preferì la libera professione, Enrico fu "fagocitato" dal Centro Scavi e Ricerche per cui ha lavorato fino a non moltissimo tempo fà, sempre che le mie informazioni siano esatte.

Bravissimo nella sua professione, adattabile ad ogni situazione, sapeva mimetizzarsi tra gli arabi, grazie al suo aspetto: non altissimo, baffetti e, soprattutto buona conoscenza della lingua araba che, credetemi, è veramente una enorme risorsa.

E fu così che, durante i nostri dopocena, aggiunse notiziole interessanti a ciò che riguardava le missioni che mi ero perduta, perchè "tenevo" famiglia e con due bimbi piccoli non mi era certo possibile andare a lavorare all'estero.
He told us, as well as several other episodes, when the missiles fell in the garden next to the residence of the mission (the title of the film seems almost the same name) probably during the Gulf War.
He went to Baghdad during the war began, as noted, in 2003 to reorganize the restoration laboratory, traveling with his jacket antiprioiettile, risking his life in pu than one occasion.
Sore East? Love your work? A bit small and not so much of unconsciousness?
Perhaps all of this! With

Robertina occasionally after work, went shopping.
Amman was divided into "circles" were areas I think, to my shame I never thought that they were thoroughly huge round. The very thing that struck me was getting into a taxi.

I used those smashed taxi in Baghdad, where the wallpaper was just a memory, and springs almost pierce the backside and to open doors, often it was not clear where to put their hands because they lacked the finish and the same all the levers and springs were in sight.

Taxis in Amman were "new" machines, well TENITE, clean e.. had the meter!

Robertina accompanied me in my raids, stoically because every package as it was in Amman just three weeks earlier he had already "given" to the purchases.
However, thanks to her I discovered many interesting shops in which I found the pretty little things.

Mi avrebbero lapidata!

Finalmente il venerdì, due giorni prima della partenza riuscimmo ad organizzare una gitarella fuori "porta".
Anche questa volta Petra non potè essere considerata perchè, gli altri partecipanti alla missione, avendo avuto diversi giorni liberi, causati dalle festività locali, erano andati credo dappertutto, Petra compresa.

Comunque Robertina, Buteina, che era la direttrice del restauro di Bagdad e aveva
accompagnato i restauratori di cui ho parlato all'inzio, ed io passammo una bellissima giornata andando a visitare il Monte Mataba, ci recammo sulle rive del Giordano al di là delle quali vidi sventolare la bandiera Israeli and immediately appeared on my cell phone signal repeater them. and try "emotion" to sink your feet into the Dead Sea beach.

Robertina could not restrain himself from going to pucca his paws in the water and slather on the famous mud to the knees.

As you can see in this picture the people in preparing the kebabs on the trip fornacelle directly on the beach.

Obviously, we only came up smoking! Come back

Buteina and our driver, a big woman who was surely one of us twice, Rosi hunger, piloted us to a restaurant, desert in the afternoon, which served us to eat half a chicken head with his hands strictly.

two of us ate it a little while the other two finished their portions tear, let it go our leftovers.

still write for hours, it seems clear that is a big talker, but the memories that I have mentioned here do not remain in my heart and that of my friend.

Finally we left, I actually would have stayed there a little longer just to go around sites and shops, and then the "normal" life was waiting for us, not least emotion, belief shared by many of losing luggage, fortunately later recovered after 15 days, Caselle. Now I'm

here writing my memories, which fortunately are as beautiful as it is also very beautiful memories of "my ARCHAEOLOGICAL" at which this final section deals!

little postscript: I'm in the group photo on the left, center and Buteina Robertina right.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Shot Put?

Petra, how I miss the third-party-

Beginning in February 2005.
By chance I was in Turin and was about to fall in Lucerna, where I live, when I get a call from the Centro Scavi.
Benedict phone!!
Tear up as a sliver of the city to the other end, where he was at the time the Centro Scavi, and here I have an interview with the heads of mission in Jordan already started asking me if they are interested in going to Amman for two weeks to take shots of material seized at the border Iraqueno-Jordan.

hands and knees I would have gone even clinging to the basket of the plane: I like to travel, move, even to go to work, even to do the tour de force.

Exactly eight days later I was on the plane in the company of Robertina, my "archeologist" with which I had to work and that he had to endure.

Amman were under two separate projects.

The first concerned the training of young restorers in force at the Cabinet for the restoration of Soprintenza iraquena, with their director, hosted in Amman for security reasons, while the second was to photograph, describe and study of artifacts confiscated at the border with Iraq. A short BRIL Jordan. From Italy

experts had arrived with a mandate to oversee training for these young people which, I believe, did not seem real to be hosted in a context different from that in which, every day, they were forced to live.

lessons, practical and theoretical, were held by conservators from Rome and Turin and supported by interpreters in Arabic.

As for the confiscated artifacts, part of the documentation Photo was already done, in digital and ambient light, while for the publication was the need for more professional photos.
's why I was in Amman.

Every morning we went with a group of buildings that included both the premises
in cabinet restoration and study of the seizures, and the warehouses in which were preserved archaeological finds of all kinds of genre, beautifully preserved.
I can not say more because I could not see anything that was not inherent in what I had photographed.

I expected a large amount of menete, about 350, as well as pottery, glass, cuneiform tablets, to be photographed one by one, straight line, and I must say that the beginning was not the brightest.
I lost the hand to photograph the coins, and my digital camera had limitations in that did not allow me to approach more than 10 cm. I managed to photograph them with various tests, but the result, even after a long time does not satisfy me yet, although it was acceptable.

I remember it was terribly cold and did not miss anything from the meteorological point of view.
Rain, wind and snow delights us for some morning and although we tried to warm up with some heaters, I worked with her coat.
Fortunately, a few days after I moved with my equipment on the premises where they were studying the findings and the sight of long radiators I lit up and comforted.

Fixed table top, the bottom, usually blue, and the lights, I proceeded to photograph the most interesting objects I had ever seen, decorative glass, other than that I photographed dozens during missions in Baghdad jugs decorated with engravings bearing crosses and figures of saints and shaped so that each side had a decoration, a different portrait. Crockery who photographed in front, right side, left, back and details of the face, when I felt that it was worth it.
sfrenai I, in fact.
If those figures had been able to breathe I also photographed the clouds of smoke from the mouth, not to mention the fact that I was and am convinced that the archaeologist can not, then the subject at hand would have to resort to pototo focumentazione photo.
Ma ..... with computerized cataloging work was longer and more complex.
I happened even a hiccup, a pinax fact, that a small votive tablet, fortunately a copy, fell to the ground while photographing.
was quickly restored, however, the manager of the store was informed.

We used to go to work in the morning around 9 and we stayed until 15, I think, thanks to the courtesy of the Director himself that allowed us to work beyond normal office hours.
For lunch we'd take yogurt e della marmellata Hero che avevo trovato nel supermercato dietro all'albergo. Poi qualcuno di noi andava ad acquistare delle deliziose focacce che tagliavamo a spicchi e il tutto spariva in un baleno.
Come diceva Robertina, con quel tipo di pranzo non sarebbe stato difficile dimagrire.

Finito il lavoro, spesso, prima di tornare in albergo facevamo delle puntate presso i negozi che ci erano stati suggeriti da un'altra archeologa che ad Amman ci viveva e che ci forniva indicazioni, mappe e tutte le delucidazioni necessarie, quando non poteva accompagnarci di persona (grazie ancora, Ali ( che sta per Alessandra).
Amman, che è a 900 metri, e questo poteva far comprendere perchè, pur essendo in paese mediorientale facesse così freddo, non mi piaceva molto probabilmente perchè non la conoscevo.

Non mi piaceva perchè forse non c'erano i suq?
Negozietti carini e cari ce ne erano però, ed io riuscii comunque a portare a casa parecchie cose interessanti per la gioia di parenti ed amici. Qui sotto ce n'è un esempio.
Avrei voluto comprare tutto anche perchè era talmente ben struttarato e tutto era cosi ben esposto che invitava allo shopping più sfrenato!!

L'albergo era veramente confortevole.
Ognuno di noi aveva a disposizione una suite e, gioia delle gioie, un televisore che trasmetteva Rai 3. La domenica però era una rottura in quanto quell'unico canale trasmette una tide of sport, but we
however, the consolation of knowing what was happening in Italy and abroad and, right on February 14, I knew dell'uccsione Rafik ARIR, the beginning of troubles for Lebanon.
Mammazan cooked there as well for themselves, for Robertina and Henry, our resturatore. We met everyone from me: there was always a pasta, vegetables and even all that the supermarket behind the hotel had to offer. To be fair
Robertina offered to always wash the dishes.

I describe "my archeologist."
But I will next time.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

WerÉ To Get Temazepam

Gianni Vattimo

There Ever associate a color, a smell, a pleasant person to an event or not?
It happened to me just now.
wandering among the television networks, almost in desperation, I tuned to the 7, which is one of my favorite channels, and who did I see? In addition to the pleasant
Alain Elkan was also professor Gianni Vattimo attrente too much, maybe a few years older than me but moooooolto well worn.
Well, I know him personally, and now tell you how.
was 1967 and, finally, after five years of waiting I was going to make the competition for qualified technical photographer. Until then, I still played those tasks with the rank of janitor in that place was not there and, finally, after all this time my boss was able to hold the competition in order to regularize my situation.
Then the Institute of Archaeology and Philosophy was located in Via Po 18 and still remember Professor Guzzo, Professor of Philosophy. He was a pear-shaped little man, very refined and elegant, but, above all, remember that time when I, twenty years old, I wanted to give him up to get him first in bibloteca a sign of respect.
He came to the side and, letting go, she said: "Miss, I was born the last century." It was not just
gallantry was polite and respect for women. Then
Gianni Vattimo, who knew little, was the assistant of Professor Guzzo and I still remember when I waved smiling, friendly, blond, elegant and beautiful on the stairs that led to my cabinet photo. It was part of the committee that was to preside at my competition.
Well when I hear his name I remember it well.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Size Chart Of Talon Sport

Petra, how I miss you a second-hand

would remind you that I had just been discharged from a taxi on a street unknown to Baghdad and I did not know where to go.
I really felt like a poor, poor wretch, and had the bag with wet photos of prints made at the Institute and, once home, I'd have to lay them sciugare began to weigh more.
decided to call home, hoping that our cook, Ghiliana, could help me.
recall that he had told me: "Every shop has telephone".
I went into every shop that faces the street, making the big question in Arabic: "Tilifon aku? (Is there a telephone?) And the answer was invariably:" Maku "(no).
A thin ansietta began to creep into me.
then I caught a bus to the two small groups, one consisting of young girls in school uniform (white blouse and black tee) that, like all over the world, giggling with each other as they watched with great interest two boys also their students.
without fear I aimed towards students considering the girls too stupid to listen to me.
The two young men were chatting among themselves, but broke off their conversation when I approached. One of them, while not completely understanding my English, I was persuaded to seek a fortune for a telephone not far to call home and, thanks to the
nformation given to him by a snarling Ghiliana, stopped a taxi whose driver told where to take me.
I thanked him very warmly and they came back by his friend with whom he was conversing.
These are the Arabs! Kind and helpful. I happen
other drivers, such as a half-hour after that race, so I needed to go home by the Institute, would not be paid, and another very talkative who told me that he had worked with a company in Milan and I asked what he liked more, he said without fear: "The girls".
And then he asked, again in English: "But you are what you eat to be so beautiful?"
I spent two months in Baghdad velocente.
work at the museum almost every day and force many to photograph fragments of ivory could finish the film stock.
But the city had incredible resources, we could really find anything, so I could find in a neighborhood of shops specializing in photographs, what I needed.
I also had the thrill of printing photos on the crappy Chinese paper. Then I began
to photograph the crockery on the ruins and there are other problems with the light that came and it was not because he needed to start the generator fuel oil and the staff that we did not want to go ask the family that there could give as c 'was the rust. It took the protests of archaeologists to persuade them to go and ask the fuel.
I succeeded in spite of this incident and others, such as electrical outlets that did not work, doing all the shooting.
On excavation, however, was not hurt, aside from the fact that the cook was dirty and the fridge, sometimes seemed to be the tomb of the leftovers. We had the phone, imposed on us by our ambassador to our security. We could do
then phone calls to Baghdad and expensive to make and receive phone calls from Italy.
I still shake my wrists at the memory of the Telecom bill arrived for a long time.
There was also a pleasure-seeking side of the mission.
The invitation to dinner on the excavation by the guards guarding the camp, with a dinner served on the floor on a long tablecloth palstic which was followed by chants of our guests and for our part, while their women, who had prepared the dinner we peered outside.
The call of the Italian house.
The invitation to the house of the greek where everyone dances the Sirtaki, and where a very efficient housekeeper, among other things, read the coffee grounds. The call
our house of the Italian escorted by police who came to Kabul, which did not seem to come true in a haven of peace (who never imagined what would happen from there to 5 months) and to find so many beautiful girls.
quell'occosione In each of us prepared a particular dish: Eleonora, she cooked a Sicilian pasta fragrant. Paul, our "boss" of sweet and sour meatballs, I prepared the sauce and our chef prepared, growling excellent gnocchi.
There was also among the guests, the German ambassador, a great man who, unlike ours, which, when he came, he wore only himself, his driver arrived, preceded by loading of beverage. There
furono i blitz nei vari suk dove comprammo tutto quello che era possibile comprare e stivare in valigia con contrattazioni lunghe ed estenuati. Ero sempre io che accompagnavo le ragazze che ,essendo palesemente straniere e molto graziose attiravano gli sguardi e non solo dei maschietti locali.
Il dinaro iraqueno era diventato ormai carta straccia.
Ai tempi delle missioni un dinaro valeva 3 dollari e con 350 dinari si poteva fare la paga settimanale degli operai degli scavi.
Ora un dinaro valeva una lira ed uscivamo dai negozi, dove si poteva fare il cambio, con sacchetti di plastica nera tipo quelli della spazzatura, ma più piccoli, pieni di banconote da 250 dinari l'una. Un'impresa solo a contarli.
Scoprimmo un negozio dove trovammo ceramiche NL Nederlands by local green-blue color and delicious that I think is written in Arabic written language more beautiful, harmonious and decorative that it exists and all we bought in industrial quantities, we went to a building where they were auctioned Persian rugs, Kurdish guides that we could buy for very little, even today, I think many of us will eat your hands for not being able to buy anything
precisely because of transport.
To return to the main theme of these episodes, all were going at the end of the mission, to go once they arrive in Petra to Amman.
Our chief mission had brought with him the money for at least two or three trips hidden in the belt of the traveler. This was a revelation to me: it was a belt of normal skin, but inside, you could hide the money with a zip as long as the belt itself, which, once opened, they could easily contain. At the end
nesun had more desire to visit this blessed Petra, a bit expensive because it cost a little bit because she wanted to go home, so nothing came of it.
I could not go alone: \u200b\u200bwe were a group and then as a group had to come back.
And so it happened.