Monday, January 7, 2008

Average Cost Of Wedding Flowers In Montana


We did it!
We survived the syndrome before Christmas, running more or less wild for the purchase of gifts, decoration of the house, the decorations more or less rich and lavish, depending on the mood and circumstances.
I, for example, I decorated with bows a little 'home and then move quickly into the country because of the snow.
For those few who do not know I live in the hills and the snow is a traumatic experience for me because it makes the roads impassable, and then, like every winter (this is now the 5th) I move to the country, so I picked up as much as possible and I opened my winter home . House very comfortable this year, well equipped, which allowed me to easily prepare Christmas lunch.
As usual I made too much and I'll have to keep in mind, if I can, for next year.
The unusual thing this Christmas and the days that followed, that is, except me, were all sick for my son. his girlfriend (actually arrived home already compromised by a nasty flu that has affected almost all) then my daughter who has even skipped lunch, her boyfriend, my husband and even my mother, so much so that I suggested we go to Lourdes.
There was an exchange of presents some really beautiful, well ... other. never mind. However
is gone and you are forgiven for all the great New Year celebrated in Milan, Turin, Avigliana at home and quietly. I then I
sleek trying to camouflage a part of my spring, succeeding enough.
I was surrounded by young people more or less in their thirties, friends of the daughter of my host, and although the polishing, I felt a bit 'old almost interesting perspectives, while all the other kids heard them on the threshold of life, that beautiful, full of promise, a life together by continuing to buy a house or purchased, the prospect of expanding the family.
But that mood lasted very little.
We started eating, everyone had brought tons of stuff to drink (the other with varying degrees of moderation) and then there was the Karaoke shamelessly during which I performed with my voice with my friend mondina (57 years) singing their hearts out on their own or with another four or five of those in their thirties above, who used wooden spoons or other tools as a kind of microphone. And at midnight fireworks seen at the edge of a swimming pool and as the night landscape of lakes Avigliana that shone with a thousand colors.


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