Thursday, January 24, 2008

Titanic Theme Invitation

second, how I miss you!-Part

Credo che a poche persone sia capitato to go to Amman, Jordan, three times in five years and not be able to visit Petra.
I know I did.
the first time in 2001, most likely would not have been possible as a single night spent the night in Amman, at the Istituto Italo-Jordan. I say charge for what my group was composed of five archaeologists and by me, a photographer, and our destination was Baghdad to which proseguimmio aboard two enormous jeeps.

1200 miles of desert roads pretty good.
two stops, the first control point of Jordan, the second one iraqueno away a little over two kilometers each other.
Register on our passports computers and cameras (I had my two: the legendary Mamy RB 76 and the Nikon that alone I held a trolley car).

The purpose of our trip was twofold: one part of the archaeologists had the task of reorganizing the houses that we had both on the excavation that Baghdad, 60 km away. To be able to resume excavations were interrupted in 1991 at the time of the Gulf War.
The second group, consisting of an archaeologist and was linked to the project by myself B.RI.LA
This acronym stands for Bureau for Recovering and Investigation Iraqi Looted Antiquies (si può visitare il sito legato a questo progetto, molto ben illustrato).
In poche parole mancavano all'appello almeno 3500 reperti rubati, spariti o semplicemente dislocati in altri musei del paese. La loro sparizione non era però legata all'evento bellico.

Il mio compito consisteva nello stampare i negativi degli oggetti mancanti, foto che venivano poi scannerizzate e inviate in Italia ad una sezione dei carabinieri e all'Interpol per controllare se questi reperti erano apparsi nei circuiti del mercato clandestino.
E in un mese ne ho stampata una valanga, in condizioni non sempre ottimali, spesso the cold ( Baghdad in February is quite breezy) with an enlarger in place by at least 15 ½ years rusty.

But the best thing, as usual, after work, was to go to the suq , find the old suq resellers in the copper, after 25 years he still remembered me. and buy so many delicious items that made me drool like a snail.
When I had to let everything in the suitcase, not to drool over, but I was only a cold sweat.

're finished, and I can assure you really need to get busy because times had stood, the departure date approached, and everything had to be finished and delivered to the competent authorities, we have always taken the road home by land.
Petra was a name that caressed my ears, but he was not a single regret.
The photo that adorns this post was taken in the hotel where we stayed in Amman in 2005, and a panel of terracotta Sistu in the dining room.


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