Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How To Clean Golf Shafts

IKEA, which is the talisman of happiness

holder may have been exaggerated in this post, but for me and perhaps for others, go shopping for the home, to make it more functional or simply more beautiful presupposes a state of grace I will not say, but cheerful interior.
Who, now, does not have bought a little something from Ikea, who went there just to snoop around and was later found dead of heat to the speakers, with sore feet and especially with the cart full of things that are absolutely useless, but absolutely necessary that cost so little embarrassing and then the chips are the "account" saltier in its history?
Who did those raids delicious pencils, those who have not had coffee at the bar, who did not buy the Swedish specialties (board of venison meatballs in a sauce of red currant), and a ride to the small nursery where they sell and textiles? In my little I bought, I must confess a lot of little things help you choose from my daughter who not only guided me, but it was a clever assembly.
I still remember how determination and persistence has put together a scaffalino the closet, a panchinetta which replaced an old, ugly sofa in the lobby and when I imagined it with her boyfriend has assembled the various furniture in her cottage, Christonic like a damn for all the difficulties. And I imagine
hours while taking measures, browse pages on paper and computer systems, more of his beloved Ikea! His enthusiasm is palpable, is contagious, his overwhelming joy, and light up my days I have to say that they still dark.
Yes, my daughter and my generations have found THE home of their dreams.
And I begin to dream.
The biggest house, the room for the kids .......


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