Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Do You Do With The Last Stitch In Casting Of

London - travelogue. Look Right!

Day October 22, 2010

I do not think it can be said to have visited a place if you have not long path walk, even going behind your nose, "as a person very dear to me, rather than blindly follow the default programs. In this way we open to infinite possibilities and surprises, and every journey is a unique individual experience.
Doc and I immediately experience the complexity of the London Underground and ads pronounced very fast. In a sort of tour de force crazy, grind km in the bowels of the city and on the surface, crossing from point to point. Using the camera is not much and not only to photograph monuments, but to capture details that speak of habits, morals rather than characters; tradition più che di storia. Nella galleria di immagini che ho riportato, colte di corsa mentre camminavamo, guardate attraverso un obbiettivo più che con gli occhi, perdendo, il più delle volte, mille sfumature, ritrovo, quasi con meraviglia, come se non le avessi scattate io, Buckingham Palace e il verde lussureggiante dei parchi; Victoria Station accanto al curioso palo con le frecce delle direzioni; Wenstminster con tutti i suoi particolari architettonici e il fronte con la fila dei turisti pronti ad entrare; il Parlamento accanto alla Torre dell'orologio; e , infine,le raccomandazioni per i pedoni di guardare dalla parte giusta della strada nell’attraversare, per evitare il rischio di finire investiti, data la guida a sinistra.
There is little to smile about the apparent simplicity of the thing. It 'easy to make mistakes, taken from ingrained habits. That
Pedestrians, Look Right! asphalt written character is a giant warning elegant and civilized.
short, a flurry of shots as a patchwork, whose value is to leave a first impression of the city, rather than knowledge itself. And the desire to return.
are not peaceful, they are not gone yet and already I feel that I'll come back. But wait
true for me, is Sir John Lill's concert at the Royal Albert Hall. On the program tonight, the second by Rachmaninoff for piano and orchestra.
(Continued ...)


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