Monday, November 8, 2010

Gay Man Has Rash On Forehead

London - London

Day October 21, 2010

Recital 1 : never trust agencies when you propose to take a low-cost airline in mid-morning as ... matches in the morning, earned the rest of the day ... yes, yes.
The risks involved are well known: they send you to land at the airport that there is far more than that, yes, it is one of many in London, but also it takes two hours to get to your hotel and collapsing in your room . And when you come at four o'clock, local time, after he left home at eight o'clock in the morning, Italian time, the day is gone.
not recommended if the stay is less than a week.

Recital 2 : the usual comparison.
In London everything is a staple of sorry sorry here and there. Just because someone accidentally touches with one arm to apologize. Easy to adapt, easy to be polite and smiling with whoever is with you. But do not get used to, when they return home will look like aliens.
The annoying thing is to note that unlike the very low tones of the English (it's hard sometimes to follow them in conversations), we Italians can not do better than calling in a loud voice from one end of each and where, at the bottom of a crowded bus, we are able to disturb the peace with the usual frantic beeps of video games and our high-sounding voices, without substantial differences between adults and kids.
rather watch the beautiful English countryside from the windows.

Recital 3 : in fact, the English countryside.
Somewhere between Stanstead and the first suburbs of London, the sun dancing a waltz with the gray clouds and blue sky, bouncing to the bright green manicured lawns. From time to time, placid cows with the huge amount of abandoned cottages and the grass huts in that abound in the literature. We are on the Atlantic. We tested the climate just stepped out of the airport: the air is pungent, not exactly cold. Crisp, clean.
It 'definitely a nice welcome image and, at least in part, distracts from the long journey. E 'wishful thinking to arrive early suburbs of London, crossing at least for another ora, prima di infilarci nel traffico infernale della metropoli.

Considerazione n. 4 : i caratteristici taxi inglesi sono intelligentissimi.
Dopo aver, per sbaglio, saltato la fermata dell’autobus che ci riguardava, stufi di rimanere un solo minuto di più chiusi ermeticamente in quella scatola con le ruote, scendiamo e ne prendiamo uno al volo.
Infilare i bagagli nella vettura è una cosa semplicissima: sono talmente ampi da contenere tutto assieme, senza bisogno di bagagliai e a scendere non si fa alcuna fatica. Pochi minuti e svariati incroci attraversati spericolatamente dopo (non capisco, sono rispettosissimi dei segnali, rispettosissimi dei pedoni anche quando passano con il rosso, ma sportivi alla guida), siamo finalmente al nostro albergo nei pressi di Hyde Park.

Considerazione n. 5 : una questione di misure.
Le stanze sono davvero minime pur essendo dotate di ogni comfort e servizio: le dimensioni del bagno sono da contorsionisti, c'è la vasca, manca il bidet (sì, ricordo, a scuola me lo avevano detto), abbiamo una tv satellitare, una connessione internet, un asse da stiro con ferro, un bollitore con vassoio del tè e caffè solubile e tutto l’occorrente per il bagno.
Ma ci muoviamo in spazi ristrettissimi che in Italia nessun ufficio tecnico autorizzerebbe.

In barba al principio secondo il quale per conoscere bene un posto devi calarti nelle abitudini dei suoi inhabitants, Doc and I, as a perfect Italian, we pull out our electric coffee maker (which in Italy is FORBIDDEN in each hotel) and take a rest to fatigue of the journey with great satisfaction.
London, for now, can wait.
(Continued ...)


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