Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Large Flatbed Scanner Printer 11 17

London - travelogue. Music: exact science and magic.

Day October 22, 2010
On the way to the Royal Albert Hall would also include the Science Museum, the Natural Sciences and the Victoria and Albert Museum, but also the university and the Royal College of Music, where they exit from the race crowds of young musicians.
sounds of violins and pianos we invest whenever the doors are wide open to their passage. Someone runs to the nearest entrance of the subway, someone else is lingering on the sidewalk talking with a friend with whom he had made an appointment, others start up the impressive staircase that leads to our concert hall built, as stated in the guide, in early nineteenth century, selling seats for 999 years.
What strikes me is the very air seems to have all the scientific: the 'impression (the same that I had already described with regard to immigrants) is the result of concrete possibilities for those talented who are committed and I feel sorry for those who Italians, worthy, they should strive without being able to go much further than because, trivially, they lack the facilities to study. O
professors able in institutional organizations.
or someone leaves you a little 'space to show what you can do first to criticize.
Or simply let someone who will not cut off for mature pure sport.
We go on light, it is Friday night and there is excitement in the air, as we do on Saturday. Is particularly acute in this part of the city, perhaps for the presence of students taking flight for the weekend, perhaps for the taxi that occasionally stop at the side entrance off leaving a new fan more ready to join the public from here to little dribs and drabs, invade the foyer and ticket office.
It 's always a magical moment, an atmosphere, that of expectation, observation, sharing a passion with those who, like you, they converge to enjoy the harmony of sounds. Or art. Or any subject of interest and of human ingenuity. The wonder is entering
much. Yes, I know, we have some beautiful concert halls and theaters of the marvelous, does not count. Every time is like entering a time and leave the sacred silence pervaded its walls, even if their vibrato and flutter in advance that you entered it there and continue to do so later. They know more than you. And this is absolutely fascinating. Listening
scraps of conversation, while his eyes wandering about the bizarre ceiling with "flying saucers" blue - the reflection of sound screens, I think, given the height of the room - noting how crowded and how many children are present.
And finally the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra makes its entrance, and its director, Josep Caballé-Domenech. The program is rich and varied, offers an approach that rarely happen to hear in Italy in the same concert: dall'ouverture of "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini, the "Scheherazade" by Rimsky-Korsakov through the second of Rachmaninoff's Piano and Orchestra.
Perhaps, Rossini lacks the "polish Italic", that spirit of playful, collegiate, sometimes serious, but always brilliant style that characterizes his entire Mediterranean. The beauty of music, though, is that since the sign up sheet blacks score, they do not say anything at all if read, it needs a party that turns them into meaning and interpreter who can not infuse his experience of individual performance . We
kidnapped by a superb John Lill, piano, and enjoy a virtuous first violin, in Scheherazade.
But perhaps it is sacrificed, in the enjoyment, the next execution date to Rachmaninoff, which in itself is pervasive. After all, were compared in the spirit of a troubled century, caught between two wars, the nineteenth century still romantic, if you let me spend the partial definition, and it's different sensitivities. But the magic of music can all go out and reborn, very happy, as this may seem trivial compared to a state of mind trip.
(Continued ...)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dress Smart Onehunga Careers

AMISH siamo a andati a trovarli come facciamo sempre ma questa volta ci siamo fatto qualche foto che voglio farvi vedere

in September and came to see my sister and her husband, from Sicily for two weeks, not very satisfied but I went a little bit but we have ingiro portative visit AMISH us ndiamo empre l `s gold in order to collect the tomatoes and other things for our house for pizza and also all very good I present to you my lady, and where he lives: the lead or a jar of eggplant under `oil that we did with my mom and her happy and the CIA allowed to take pictures with her and live where you do a spin on the page ciaoo
under the tree of delicious apples

we collected the flowers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. s there e are fun

us this beautiful lake with swans had never seen one up close

This is me

the home of the Amish

this machine and the Amish horses always miss my sister and my brother-I was the photographer

my sister and my brother this with the wagon and horses

the Amish Farm: Pumpkins and the hood

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Do You Do With The Last Stitch In Casting Of

London - travelogue. Look Right!

Day October 22, 2010

I do not think it can be said to have visited a place if you have not long path walk, even going behind your nose, "as a person very dear to me, rather than blindly follow the default programs. In this way we open to infinite possibilities and surprises, and every journey is a unique individual experience.
Doc and I immediately experience the complexity of the London Underground and ads pronounced very fast. In a sort of tour de force crazy, grind km in the bowels of the city and on the surface, crossing from point to point. Using the camera is not much and not only to photograph monuments, but to capture details that speak of habits, morals rather than characters; tradition più che di storia. Nella galleria di immagini che ho riportato, colte di corsa mentre camminavamo, guardate attraverso un obbiettivo più che con gli occhi, perdendo, il più delle volte, mille sfumature, ritrovo, quasi con meraviglia, come se non le avessi scattate io, Buckingham Palace e il verde lussureggiante dei parchi; Victoria Station accanto al curioso palo con le frecce delle direzioni; Wenstminster con tutti i suoi particolari architettonici e il fronte con la fila dei turisti pronti ad entrare; il Parlamento accanto alla Torre dell'orologio; e , infine,le raccomandazioni per i pedoni di guardare dalla parte giusta della strada nell’attraversare, per evitare il rischio di finire investiti, data la guida a sinistra.
There is little to smile about the apparent simplicity of the thing. It 'easy to make mistakes, taken from ingrained habits. That
Pedestrians, Look Right! asphalt written character is a giant warning elegant and civilized.
short, a flurry of shots as a patchwork, whose value is to leave a first impression of the city, rather than knowledge itself. And the desire to return.
are not peaceful, they are not gone yet and already I feel that I'll come back. But wait
true for me, is Sir John Lill's concert at the Royal Albert Hall. On the program tonight, the second by Rachmaninoff for piano and orchestra.
(Continued ...)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lost Mn Drivers License

London - travelogue. The mysterious object

Day October 22, 2010

Help, an invasion of flying saucers in the skies of London ...
Nah, kidding!
you try to guess and I'll tell you the wonders of this day, the most beautiful holiday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gay Man Has Rash On Forehead

London - London

Day October 21, 2010

Recital 1 : never trust agencies when you propose to take a low-cost airline in mid-morning as ... matches in the morning, earned the rest of the day ... yes, yes.
The risks involved are well known: they send you to land at the airport that there is far more than that, yes, it is one of many in London, but also it takes two hours to get to your hotel and collapsing in your room . And when you come at four o'clock, local time, after he left home at eight o'clock in the morning, Italian time, the day is gone.
not recommended if the stay is less than a week.

Recital 2 : the usual comparison.
In London everything is a staple of sorry sorry here and there. Just because someone accidentally touches with one arm to apologize. Easy to adapt, easy to be polite and smiling with whoever is with you. But do not get used to, when they return home will look like aliens.
The annoying thing is to note that unlike the very low tones of the English (it's hard sometimes to follow them in conversations), we Italians can not do better than calling in a loud voice from one end of each and where, at the bottom of a crowded bus, we are able to disturb the peace with the usual frantic beeps of video games and our high-sounding voices, without substantial differences between adults and kids.
rather watch the beautiful English countryside from the windows.

Recital 3 : in fact, the English countryside.
Somewhere between Stanstead and the first suburbs of London, the sun dancing a waltz with the gray clouds and blue sky, bouncing to the bright green manicured lawns. From time to time, placid cows with the huge amount of abandoned cottages and the grass huts in that abound in the literature. We are on the Atlantic. We tested the climate just stepped out of the airport: the air is pungent, not exactly cold. Crisp, clean.
It 'definitely a nice welcome image and, at least in part, distracts from the long journey. E 'wishful thinking to arrive early suburbs of London, crossing at least for another ora, prima di infilarci nel traffico infernale della metropoli.

Considerazione n. 4 : i caratteristici taxi inglesi sono intelligentissimi.
Dopo aver, per sbaglio, saltato la fermata dell’autobus che ci riguardava, stufi di rimanere un solo minuto di più chiusi ermeticamente in quella scatola con le ruote, scendiamo e ne prendiamo uno al volo.
Infilare i bagagli nella vettura è una cosa semplicissima: sono talmente ampi da contenere tutto assieme, senza bisogno di bagagliai e a scendere non si fa alcuna fatica. Pochi minuti e svariati incroci attraversati spericolatamente dopo (non capisco, sono rispettosissimi dei segnali, rispettosissimi dei pedoni anche quando passano con il rosso, ma sportivi alla guida), siamo finalmente al nostro albergo nei pressi di Hyde Park.

Considerazione n. 5 : una questione di misure.
Le stanze sono davvero minime pur essendo dotate di ogni comfort e servizio: le dimensioni del bagno sono da contorsionisti, c'è la vasca, manca il bidet (sì, ricordo, a scuola me lo avevano detto), abbiamo una tv satellitare, una connessione internet, un asse da stiro con ferro, un bollitore con vassoio del tè e caffè solubile e tutto l’occorrente per il bagno.
Ma ci muoviamo in spazi ristrettissimi che in Italia nessun ufficio tecnico autorizzerebbe.

In barba al principio secondo il quale per conoscere bene un posto devi calarti nelle abitudini dei suoi inhabitants, Doc and I, as a perfect Italian, we pull out our electric coffee maker (which in Italy is FORBIDDEN in each hotel) and take a rest to fatigue of the journey with great satisfaction.
London, for now, can wait.
(Continued ...)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ps2 Usb Extreme Hd Loader

travelogue - Travelogue

If I had to put a face to the word globalization is that of a city like London.
London is globalization itself, I do not think there is a more cosmopolitan place.
Despite the Gothic facade (use the word despite knowing be too reductive and synthetic), the double-decker buses, taxis and the windows typical characteristic with the insignia of wood, his story is about progress since the dawn of time and can be felt everywhere, in the civic sense of the people, in seriousness, in resigned tones and efficiency of the "machine London," the feeling of being part of a gear that runs fast.
You're welcome, I plucked, I refer to hurry home. And, perhaps under the mustache from merchants, and they laugh at you because of your stupidity, like all tourists, neither more nor less, yield to the charm of the Harrods department store, but you can not give you a shopping spree.

I could describe my weekend in London as a romantic (but London is not a romantic city and neither Doc nor I are inclined to fuss), I could talk about red buses sightseeing tour of whizzing in all directions (which we did not take) or having the monuments of Westminster Abbey or the Houses of Parliament (three days but very few), and in any case I would give a key only partial, because it is a city in itself Concluded but a microcosm in which the reductive prefix "micro" is to be considered as such only in relation to the cosmos.
whole world passes through Piccadilly Circus.
It is not so much to say.

not have here in Italy a comparison example of the concept of multicultural society and there, however, fully grasps: the coexistence of different ethnic groups on the same level of opportunities implementation in Italy is a distant longing. While we talk of legalization of immigrants and condemn the xenophobic attitudes that occur as well, comparing the speech to the human and the law (which are only the basic level), here, by centuries of industrial development to date, the trade routes and by the East India Company, by the formation of the Stock Exchange and banks to exchange the current recession that has touched the British economy without sinking, languages \u200b\u200band races mingle without obfuscation in order to assist in the definition of facies of a nation that remains strongly characterized in its customs and traditions, while accepting all other respect full of laws. Because, needless to say, if the laws are not observed (all the same), coexistence is not possible. And, then, identity is lost.
In light of these considerations, I can easily say it is a civil place.
(continued. ..)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Catholic Confirmation Letter To My Daughter

torta juicy couture 17anni ilenia:::: partecipo per la prima volta al swap natalizio

this time I also participated in the swap Christmas anna maria even if they are distant pertecipate many think will be beautiful

Yesterday was the birthday of my daughter, Ilene, I can not believe I t is already past 17 years and the time goes on or the fact that the cake you like this brand} {juicy couture clothes, there are scholarships ECCC ..... and then made this surprise or even if she does not expect the `why` s wants to celebrate, to next week with her friends and then I have to make another cake

2 dispagna gluten-free bread gluten-free cream yellow wet blanket with rum whipped cream, decorated with mmf and pdz

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kodak M1020 Unknown Device

Muffins with apple & hazelnut

dry ingredients: flour 300 g

150 g brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder (I used cream of tartar) 1 pinch of salt

thirty hazelnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped

Liquid ingredients: 100 g
corn oil cold pressed

1 egg white 1 cup of yogurt
a dash of rice milk

+ 1 small apple, diced

In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients. Apart from the mixed liquid ingredients and the apple, then pour into bowl of dry part. Mix well and then fill 6 muffin tins. Bake at 200 ° C for 10 minutes and then lower at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes