Friday, October 22, 2010

Difference Between Dot And Sheraton

daily Olympics Report (21/10/2010): The practical test

Mattina intensa per i ragazzi che dopo la consueta colazione sono stati chiamati all'ultima prova di queste olimpiadi: la prova pratica. La prova iniziata alle 10:45 si รจ protratta fino alle 14:45. Gli esercizi consistevano nello studio di osservazioni dello sciame delle perseidi e nell'interpretazione di dati fotometrici relativi ad una variabile cataclismica.
Dopo la prova tutti a pranzo and then the afternoon free for shopping in town.
Come back then there was the dinner and evening free to rest with cultural exchanges with students of other participating nations. Nights like this make it possible to exchange views and compare the different lifestyles in different regions of our planet, namely that fraternization is one of the objectives of the international Olympics. Finally
Joseph has finished its work by the international jury, which consisted in the correction of the theory test exercises and translation of all three tests.
finally seems that the suitcase was found in Simon's a shame that is still in Moscow. We hope for tomorrow ......

Cronaca del team italiano alle olimpiadi


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