Monday, October 25, 2010

21st Verses For Cards

daily report (23/10/2010): And the winner is ...

Today was the day the results of the Olympics. The day on which it is possible to reap what you sow.
the morning, after breakfast, the boys attended a seminar by Prof. Tarasov (CrAO - Crimean Observatory) with a subject of the Be star.
After the seminar, all in town for last minute shopping and spend the last assets in local currency (dubbed by Joseph Cucuzza). All the way back to base for lunch. After lunch, the tension began to rise to the expectation of the closing ceremony of the Olympics and then the awards ceremony.

ceremony that was about to begin at 16:30 (one hour delay) with the classic parade of local authorities and
responsible international organization of the Olympics. The award ceremony was held in this way: first they were called the boys who received certificates of participation, then the so-called third band (bronze medal), the second band (silver medal), so the first band (gold medal) and finally the special prize for best individual tests. All without distinction between junior and senior categories and interspersed with mini performances with dancing and music.

After calling the boys with a certificate of participation, the members of the Italian team were slightly well because two guys stay in the game, then that would bring home at least bronze. But the satisfaction was up suddenly when one of the bronze was only called Marco monks who received his medal and its certificate, this would Ribatti say that Roberto would win at least silver as it actually happened. It 's the first time Italy won a silver medal at the Olympics in astronomy. They all follow the rest of the awards now almost detachment with apparent when taken by surprise, was made on behalf of Mark Monks as the best practical test in the senior category. At this point satisfaction has made slight euphoria (with screams from the stadium).
summarize the Italian team returned home with a silver and a bronze and a special prize for the best practical test in the senior category (with the excellent result of 19.5 out of 20), keeping in mind that Roberto Ribatti was the second best (to only 0.5 points) in the practical test in the junior category.
After the closing ceremony of the dinners separated the young participants on one side and the other team leader, with a consequent end of the night games and socializing.
Before going to bed small parties of the Italian team-based of bread, sausage of Sudak, chocolate and cola. Tomorrow we expect the return trip!

2010-gara-internazionale11 2010-gara-internazionale12

Chronicle of the Italian team at the Olympics


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