Monday, October 25, 2010

Bacterias Present In Dried Mangoes

Olympics daily report (24/10/2010): Rome Olympics

Today is the day of homecoming.
After breakfast we quickly packed up and finished close to 10:00 we went by bus to the airport in Simferopol with the teams of China, Russia, Moscow and Crimean.
arrive at the airport at about 12:00, we checked-in and we waited the hour of departure.
The trip to Rome via Moscow, arriving at 21:45, everything went smooth. Now
night in a hotel here in Fiumicino, will start tomorrow and then to their homes.

will melt and then the Society of the Olympics!

Chronicle of the Italian team at the Olympics

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daily report (23/10/2010): And the winner is ...

Today was the day the results of the Olympics. The day on which it is possible to reap what you sow.
the morning, after breakfast, the boys attended a seminar by Prof. Tarasov (CrAO - Crimean Observatory) with a subject of the Be star.
After the seminar, all in town for last minute shopping and spend the last assets in local currency (dubbed by Joseph Cucuzza). All the way back to base for lunch. After lunch, the tension began to rise to the expectation of the closing ceremony of the Olympics and then the awards ceremony.

ceremony that was about to begin at 16:30 (one hour delay) with the classic parade of local authorities and
responsible international organization of the Olympics. The award ceremony was held in this way: first they were called the boys who received certificates of participation, then the so-called third band (bronze medal), the second band (silver medal), so the first band (gold medal) and finally the special prize for best individual tests. All without distinction between junior and senior categories and interspersed with mini performances with dancing and music.

After calling the boys with a certificate of participation, the members of the Italian team were slightly well because two guys stay in the game, then that would bring home at least bronze. But the satisfaction was up suddenly when one of the bronze was only called Marco monks who received his medal and its certificate, this would Ribatti say that Roberto would win at least silver as it actually happened. It 's the first time Italy won a silver medal at the Olympics in astronomy. They all follow the rest of the awards now almost detachment with apparent when taken by surprise, was made on behalf of Mark Monks as the best practical test in the senior category. At this point satisfaction has made slight euphoria (with screams from the stadium).
summarize the Italian team returned home with a silver and a bronze and a special prize for the best practical test in the senior category (with the excellent result of 19.5 out of 20), keeping in mind that Roberto Ribatti was the second best (to only 0.5 points) in the practical test in the junior category.
After the closing ceremony of the dinners separated the young participants on one side and the other team leader, with a consequent end of the night games and socializing.
Before going to bed small parties of the Italian team-based of bread, sausage of Sudak, chocolate and cola. Tomorrow we expect the return trip!

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Chronicle of the Italian team at the Olympics

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Olympics Daily Report (10/22/2010): Finally holiday

2010-gara-internazionale9 2010-gara-internazionale10

Today was not a busy day for us, it started with a trip along the coast near Sudak. The place was quite nice, in fact they call it "Paradise" in Italy even if in fact there are places far more typical. After a picture under a giant poster of Lenin on a red background, painted on a wall of a house, We did a tour of interesting a couple of kilometers rather
difficult because of the many climbs. After many efforts we arrived, with the breath, on a promontory from which you could see a fantastic panorama of the Black Sea soon as we returned to the hotel where we had lunch. Meals here are completely different from ours, for example in the morning we propinano chicken meatballs accompanied by pasta (Scott). The afternoon was a great moment of cultural exchange with the other kids, because we all played soccer together and there were games of chess. After several games, John has finally managed to score 2 goals through teamwork with Kazakh and Chinese. We have learned many of the other games, including Ti'en Fa, a Chinese game that has dynamics similar to football but instead of a ball uses a kind of flying. In these days we also had the opportunity to exchange souvenirs and coins with the other boys, and also with the Nano Evil (Malefic Dwarf), we buckled affectionate nickname for a small Russian boy, probably a wizards, who is always angry and when he laughs, he laughs so evil! I have been most cordial and friendly with no doubt the Chinese, with which we played "Rubamazzo.
latest news', Simon has finally found his suitcase at the dawn of the seventh day! Finally
tomorrow è il giorno della verità, sapremo se abbiamo vinto qualcosa o se torneremo "disonorati" a casa.
Cronaca di Nicola Plutino, Marco Monaci, Simone Polimeni , Roberto Ribatti e per ultimo ma non ultimo (forse) Giovanni Barilla!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Difference Between Dot And Sheraton

daily Olympics Report (21/10/2010): The practical test

Mattina intensa per i ragazzi che dopo la consueta colazione sono stati chiamati all'ultima prova di queste olimpiadi: la prova pratica. La prova iniziata alle 10:45 si è protratta fino alle 14:45. Gli esercizi consistevano nello studio di osservazioni dello sciame delle perseidi e nell'interpretazione di dati fotometrici relativi ad una variabile cataclismica.
Dopo la prova tutti a pranzo and then the afternoon free for shopping in town.
Come back then there was the dinner and evening free to rest with cultural exchanges with students of other participating nations. Nights like this make it possible to exchange views and compare the different lifestyles in different regions of our planet, namely that fraternization is one of the objectives of the international Olympics. Finally
Joseph has finished its work by the international jury, which consisted in the correction of the theory test exercises and translation of all three tests.
finally seems that the suitcase was found in Simon's a shame that is still in Moscow. We hope for tomorrow ......

Cronaca del team italiano alle olimpiadi

Thursday, October 21, 2010

German Shepherd And Rabbit

Olympics Daily Report (20/10/2010): observatory

Sveglia all'alba per i partecipanti alle olimpiadi, colazione veloce e poi tutti in autobus per trasferirsi all'osservatorio astronomico della Crimea. Arrivati dopo circa 2 ore e mezza siamo stati subito dirottati in una aula seminari per seguire la presentazione della storia e della strumentazione presente presso l'osservatorio che ha avuto una durata di circa 30 minuti. Subito dopo siamo stati guidati nel giro turistico delle varie cupole e telescopi ed in particolare al telescopio 2.6m ed ai telescopi per osservazioni in banda gamma.
Concluso il giro nell'interessante comprensorio dell'osservatorio ci è lunch was served. Following students have been involved in a scientific seminar of Prof. Pavlenko about the properties of cataclysmic variables. After the seminar, all new buses for the return to Sudak. After the dinner for the boys night out in the area.

Chronicle of the Italian team at the Olympics

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burgundy Cream Shower Curtain

Olympics Daily Report (18 / 10 / 2010): the first Olympic race

This morning after breakfast we began the first test of these Olympics: the theory test.
See this link for the text of the test

2010-gara-internazionale5 2010-gara-internazionale6

The test consisted in performing five questions for each category. The trial lasted four hours.
After lunch, the team leader and the boys were driven in an excursion with the other teams at the Genoese fortress overlooking the town of Sudak. The hike is completely walk lasted about three hours.
After dinner the kids are finally at rest! Tomorrow night awaits them in the observational evidence.

Chronicle of the Italian team at the Olympics

Monday, October 18, 2010

Boxing Hands Arthritis

Daily Report (17/10/2010): arrival at Sudak

Yesterday in the afternoon la squadra italiana è arrivata nel resort TOk di Sudak dove avranno luogo tutte le prove delle Olimpiadi Internazionali di Astronomia 2010.
Dopo la registrazione sono state assegnate le stanze, una per i team leaders Cutispoto Giuseppe e Valentini Gaetano, una per Giovanni Barilla e Nicola Plutino e l'ultima per Simone Polimeni, Roberto Ribatti e Marco Monaci.
La giornata si è conclusa con la cena e per i ragazzi il meritato riposo dopo un così lungo viaggio. I team leader hanno invece partecipato alla prima riunione ufficiale con i team leader degli altri paesi partecipanti per essere messi a conoscenza sui particolari dell'organizzazione delle olimpiadi. Unica nota stonata lo smarrimento del bagaglio di Simone, soccorso dagli altri con il vestiario necessary.

The day began today with the formal entry of the Italian team at the Olympics and the distribution of the official program and the material provided by the organization. Later the team visited the town of Sudak, until lunchtime .
In the afternoon there was the traditional group photo with all the participating teams and organizers. The teams participating in this year's event are 19: Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania,
Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, City? Moscow, Armenia, Kazakhstan, India, China, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Canada.
After the group photo of the ceremony began apertura delle olimpiadi con la presentazione delle squadre e alcuni brevi interventi degli organizzatori ed autorità scientifiche e politiche del luogo. Sono seguiti alcuni spettacoli di intrattenimento con danze e musica. Alla fine è stata dichiarata aperta la XV Olimpiade Internazionale di Astronomia.

Dopo cena c'è stato l'usuale scambio culturale tra le squadre partecipanti con le variopinte presentazioni fatte dai ragazzi delle varie nazioni. I nostri ragazzi hanno preparato una presentazione ppt con foto dei luoghi e monumenti caratteristici del nostro paese con accenno ai viaggi di Marco Polo in queste terre. La giornata si chiude qui.

Domani (18-10-2010) è prevista la prima prova (prova teorica) che avrà inizio alle ore 10 ed avrà una durata di 4 ore. Per Giuseppe la giornata inizierà prima dell'alba per la traduzione in italiano dei problemi proposti dal comitato organizzatore.

Cronaca di Gaetano Valentini 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Frank Lampard Clip Art

On the seventh day and the second bread

And then the bread has been done! Then, rising at the end lasted 4 hours but not overnight. Indeed 1am the dough was not grown up yet and I thought well of him all night to secure warmth of my closet, to swell and become beautiful.
this morning because the dough had doubled in volume. I baked at 220 ° C for 20 minutes then I lowered the temperature to 190 ° C for another 30-35 minutes.
The bread has a delicious crust, crunchy, maybe just a little too colorful. He feels the Acidini of sourdough, but will improve with time ;-) I am happy :-)

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International Astronomy Olympics in the footsteps of Marco Polo

L’avventura inizia il 15 ottobre alle 23 circa, quando i ragazzi che rappresenteranno l’Italia alle Olimpiadi Internazionali di Astronomia (International Astronomy Olympiad, dal 16 al 24 ottobre) prenderanno il volo alla volta di Mosca, in Russia. Da lì, la mattina dopo proseguiranno per Sinferopoli, capitale della Repubblica Autonoma di Crimea, che fa parte dell’Ucraina. Da Sinferopoli, la squadra italiana proseguirà in autobus per Sudak, home of the Olympics, always on the beautiful Black Sea peninsula

Sudak is an important cultural center and a famous seaside resort where the Italians are traditionally at home. Sudak it hosts the ancient fortress of the Republic of Genoa, which starting from 1266 and for about 150 years had permanently occupied those territories, which are crucial for trade routes. In Sudak, has also stayed Marco Polo.

therefore a good trip to Marco Monaci, Liceo Scientifico "Guglielmo Marconi" di Grosseto, Simone Polimeni, Liceo Scientifico "Leonardo da Vinci" of Reggio Calabria (Senior Category), Roberto Ribatti, Liceo Scientifico "Richard Nuzzi" of Andria (BA) , John Barilla and Nicola Plutino, Liceo Scientifico "Leonardo da Vinci" of Reggio Calabria (Junior category) and their carers Joseph Cutispoto (INAF-Catania Astrophysical Observatory) and Gaetano Valentini (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, Teramo). Enjoy your trip and enjoy!
look on this blog, your chronicles the Crimea!
Stefano Sandrelli

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bridal Showertiffany's

the sixth day and the first sourdough bread

The first bread, as we see from the picture, it was a disaster! The dough has risen very little, all unbalanced in that deep crack on the side. I think the night shift in the fridge and was certainly a major cause of this yeast defective.

Anyway I start over and this morning I suspended the 300 g of sourdough that I had saved in 500 g of warm water and then I mixed with 800 g of flour (400 g + 400 g of whole barley Wheat 0) leaving the mixture a little untidy. I covered with plastic wrap and wool scarf and put to rise in the closet :-)

la pasta acida come si presentava alle 20.30

Alle 20.30 ho ripreso l'impasto che aveva raddoppiato di volume, tutto bello spumoso, e ne ho tolti 300 g che ho messo in frigorifero e che saranno la pasta madre del prossimo pane. Il resto dell'impasto l'ho mescolato con 200 g di farina di farro integrale e 50 g d acqua tiepida in cui avevo sciolto 1 cucchiaino abbondante di sale. Ho lavorato per qualche minuto la pasta e poi l'ho separata in due pezzi che ho messo a lievitare in due stampi da plumcake. Ho coperto con la pellicola trasparente e con la solita sciarpa di lana. Lascio lievitare per 4 ore.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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fifth day

At 10:30 am Mix 300 g of sourdough with 600 g of warm water.
In a large bowl of flour to 800 g (400 g + 400 g emmer wheat 0) and add the mixture of sourdough and water. Stirring with a wooden spoon and then I finish mixing with your hands (always in the bowl).
The dough soft but firm and final.
I cover with plastic wrap and remit covering the closet with a wool scarf (in the house began to make more freschino ;-).

At 22:30 fetch 300 g of the dough, I put it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator compartment below.
the rest of the dough, still in the bowl, add 200g of flour (100 g + 100 g barley whole wheat flour type 0) and 50 g of warm water in which I melted 1 teaspoon salt. Stir and then put the dough on a floured pastry board and work for a few minutes meal often. Divide the dough into two parts and allow to rise in two cake tin, cover with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator where they will remain until tomorrow morning.

NB The smell of sourdough was good, was slightly acidic and soft. Also put the dough to rise smelled very pleasant, delicate, sun and good air.

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sourdough fourth day

The batter after 72 hours of fermentation

At 9 repeat the operation the day before: add 50 g of barley flour and 50 g of warm water, stir, cover and remit in the closet.

NB In the afternoon he had a fertile conversation with a dear friend who knows a sourdough bread. Among the various issues suggested I return to the use of plastic wrap to cover the bowl: holds more moisture in the dough.

batter after being mixed with the addition of flour and water

Friday, October 8, 2010

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sourdough: Sourdough

The photo appears after 48 hours of the batter rise. The smell of fermentation is a delicate but clear.

At 9 o'clock in the morning repeat the same procedure the day before.
To cover the bowl, however, replaces the transparent film with a fine cotton cloth. He pushes me aesthetic reasons: I prefer the fabric to plastics. Fermentation also prefer the soft cotton filter to the impermeable surface of the film? I do not know yet the mechanisms of the process ... we'll see :-)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Can You Buy A Platypus

third day: second day

The photo shows the batter to rise after 24 hours

At 9 o'clock in the morning I pulled out of the closet and the batter I added 50 g of barley flour and 50 g of water. I mixed well, covered and put in the closet ;-)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


sourdough first day

At 9 o'clock in the morning I began preparing the dough.

In a glass bowl I mixed 100 g of barley flour with 100-120 g of warm water.
I covered with plastic wrap (leaving a bit 'slow to push through the air) and put it away by currents in the closet ;-)