Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Make Cream For Rosacea

Conversations with my father

Our country cottage awaits us confidence, as every summer.
The porch that for pure error of the site, is oriented in alignment with the gate rather than parallel down the driveway, promises shelter from the heat of this sultry day.
We missed the last two years and also two years ago, my stay was quite short because of the physical condition of my mother who had forced his although, with rapid return.
We are just three of us: my mother, my father and me. Not happened much.
The desire to escape from mid-August has prompted me to seek refuge in the ravines, the same as the confinement of Carlo Levi, who he met my grandmother at the time, because he was a doctor and brought him to visit the locals, including its sister, ill do not know what disease is unknown. Carlo Levi visited and painted pictures and beautiful and serious, perhaps, in the stillness of this land, take advantage of time. Who knows.
Our olive trees, pomegranates, fig trees and all the orchards are a sight, the result of patient work of my dad, since he retired, he devoted himself al lavoro manuale.
La giornata qui comincia presto, però, nonostante il ritmo lento della campagna si arriva in breve tempo a sera. E davvero non c’è niente da fare se non il riposo. Ho portato dei libri, ma restano lì, in valigia, in attesa di essere presi in considerazione.
La sera, quando stiamo quasi per chiudere le finestre e spegnere le luci, mentre stiamo quasi per prendere il primo gradino che ci porta su, io e mio padre cominciamo le nostre belle conversazioni. Lo ascolto raccontarmi di sé ragazzino e capisco che gli anni diventano pesanti, certe storie di collegio ed ingiustizie mi provocano moti di ribellione e senso di protezione, come se quel bambino fosse mio figlio ed io l’adulto, non viceversa.
It 'been a tough childhood, my dad. We're lucky.
The story is slight, his adventures, at times funny, because as such they had lived very remote north of the college, the long journey alone with other kids, waiting in the stations of large cities and raids between a train el ' another, the ferocious racism of which he was the victim, the desire for redemption and the strength of will that led him to be the first in his class, he just arrived and spoke only the dialect before returning definitively translated Latin and greek better than the priests.
I realize that its imprinting is strong, that my roots are deep, that the model he has been and is for me, along with my mother, is indestructible. I will not change, I want to be too old, that is a good example: I have not yet found a valid alternative models and, in hindsight, there are none around.


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