Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Commercial Leaf Vacuum For Sale

Bread Rice

The recipe for this delicious bread, rice, flavored, hearty and healthy is of course the bread and other wonders that I attended last week in Ostia at the Biozenzero . The teacher of the course was the chef and pastry chef Pasquale Boscarello, a man of great experience, food culture and artistic sensibility.

motorhome cooked rice, 500 g
whole wheat flour, 500-600 g
sea salt, 5 g
extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon
warm water, 350 g
dry yeast, 5 g malt
corn, 1 teaspoon
sunflower seeds, sesame ...

to taste Mix the yeast with 250 g of warm water and 1 teaspoon of malt and let soak for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a bowl combine the cooked rice with your fingers with flour and salt. Add water with yeast and a little 'time the remaining water and mix well.

NB the recipe indicated 350 g of water per 500 g of flour. In my case, however, the mixture became too wet and I had to add another 100 grams of flour. To avoid the addition of flour I had to reduce the amount of approximately 50 grams of water :-)

Pour the mixture on a floured work surface and begin kneading with your hands. From working with a few minutes with regular movements. Divide the dough into three parts, working cylinder, roll in the seeds and make a braid. Put in a cake tin, cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour and 30 minutes, until doubled in volume.
Bake at 220 ° C for 25 minutes and then continue cooking for another 50 minutes.

NB this time I made one large braid that has put a lot of time to cook well. The recipe indicated a much shorter cooking: 20 minutes at 220 ° C and then another 20-25 to 200 ° C. I think the difference depends on the size of the dough. With the quantities could make two braids / and follow the trends more quickly. I recommend using the mold because the mixture tends to sit during the rising :-)


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