Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Commercial Leaf Vacuum For Sale

Bread Rice

The recipe for this delicious bread, rice, flavored, hearty and healthy is of course the bread and other wonders that I attended last week in Ostia at the Biozenzero . The teacher of the course was the chef and pastry chef Pasquale Boscarello, a man of great experience, food culture and artistic sensibility.

motorhome cooked rice, 500 g
whole wheat flour, 500-600 g
sea salt, 5 g
extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon
warm water, 350 g
dry yeast, 5 g malt
corn, 1 teaspoon
sunflower seeds, sesame ...

to taste Mix the yeast with 250 g of warm water and 1 teaspoon of malt and let soak for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a bowl combine the cooked rice with your fingers with flour and salt. Add water with yeast and a little 'time the remaining water and mix well.

NB the recipe indicated 350 g of water per 500 g of flour. In my case, however, the mixture became too wet and I had to add another 100 grams of flour. To avoid the addition of flour I had to reduce the amount of approximately 50 grams of water :-)

Pour the mixture on a floured work surface and begin kneading with your hands. From working with a few minutes with regular movements. Divide the dough into three parts, working cylinder, roll in the seeds and make a braid. Put in a cake tin, cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour and 30 minutes, until doubled in volume.
Bake at 220 ° C for 25 minutes and then continue cooking for another 50 minutes.

NB this time I made one large braid that has put a lot of time to cook well. The recipe indicated a much shorter cooking: 20 minutes at 220 ° C and then another 20-25 to 200 ° C. I think the difference depends on the size of the dough. With the quantities could make two braids / and follow the trends more quickly. I recommend using the mold because the mixture tends to sit during the rising :-)

Decorating Ideas For Banquets

wheels orange chocolate

Queste girelle fanno parte di un capitolo del libro Pasticceria Naturale di Pasquale Boscarello dedicato ai dolci al cioccolato. Ho seguito il suo suggerimento di farcirla con la marmellata di arance e mi è piaciuta assai. Voglio tentare con la marmellata di albicocche e quella di marroni.

Copio la ricetta riducendo solo le quantità:

Impasto "Africa"

farina tipo 0, 125 g
farina manitoba, 125 g
malto di mais, 60 g
sciroppo d'acero, 50 g
olio di mais, 60 ml
mandorle tostate e macinate, 40 g
uvetta lavata e scolata, 40 g
settacciato cocoa, 40 g
warm water, 20 ml
fresh yeast, 10 g vanilla
, the tip of a teaspoon
salt, a pinch
grated rind of 1 / 2 or 3 drops of orange essential oil, d '

Orange Crumble the yeast into a mixing bowl containing warm water and let the surface to form a light foam.
Meanwhile, mix the corn oil with grated orange peel / orange essential oil, malt and maple syrup. Mix everything. In a large bowl
gathered the dry ingredients: flour, ground almonds, cocoa, bitter, salt and vanilla. Stir well before joining the raisins, the mixture of malt and oil, water and baking powder. Work with hands until dough is soft and smooth. Raised with one hand a bit 'of batter, and after leaving it, should fall slowly (if too hard add a little' water, if a bit too soft 'flour).
Let rest for half an hour before using.

The recipe of the swivel:

Dough "Africa" \u200b\u200b
Spelt flour taste
orange marmalade sugar free taste
mixture of malt and hot water - 3 to 1 ratio - qb

knead the dough on a pastry " Africa "by incorporating a little flour Spelt 'a time to form a solid ball and elastic and let rest for 5 minutes.
with a rolling pin stendete una sfoglia premendo dal centro verso l'esterno formando un rettangolo spesso 4-5 mm (affinché non si attacchi l'impasto alla spianatoia, infarinate più volte riavvolgendo la sfoglia nel matterello). Col lucido spennellate solamente 2 cm dei lati del rettangolo e stendete la marmellata d'arance su tutta la superficie, tranne i bordi spennellati. A questo punto arrotolate delicatamente per il lato lungo formando un cilindro (fate attenzione che non fuoriesca la farcia) e con un coltello tagliatelo in pezzi larghi 2 cm. Disponeteli sulla teglia con la superficie piatta verso il basso, distanziandoli bene. copriteli con un panno e lasciateli lievitare per 20 minuti, quindi cuoceteli in forno già caldo a 200°C per 18-20 minuti. Appena sfornati brush with polish.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Orcerin For 6 Months Side Effects

torta di matrimonio di mio fratello con piume di pavone questa e la prima poi vi faccio vedere la seconda wedding cake

almost over and the cake
this is that I begin to be ready to cut what a shame after so much work

here cake over the room were di ricevimento mi e toccato pure tagliarla perche ` nessuno sapeva da dove incominciare mi anno fatto tanti complimenti ero contentissima per tutto torta 3 piani con crema gialla senza uova,bagna rum, coperta buttercream run, e mmf fondant, decorata con piume vere di pavone e piccole orchidee, e nastro di seta e tule

sabato 11 settembre si e sposato mio fratello e ho dovuto fare 2 torte perche lui a fatto 2 ricevimenti questa e la torta del sabato cioe il giorno del matrimonio

erano le 4:00 di mattina quasi finita aggiungo i fiori e le piume alla sala di ricevimento

incomincio a vestirla erano le 3:00 di notte

torta nuda

le perle di mmf

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Make Cream For Rosacea

Conversations with my father

Our country cottage awaits us confidence, as every summer.
The porch that for pure error of the site, is oriented in alignment with the gate rather than parallel down the driveway, promises shelter from the heat of this sultry day.
We missed the last two years and also two years ago, my stay was quite short because of the physical condition of my mother who had forced his although, with rapid return.
We are just three of us: my mother, my father and me. Not happened much.
The desire to escape from mid-August has prompted me to seek refuge in the ravines, the same as the confinement of Carlo Levi, who he met my grandmother at the time, because he was a doctor and brought him to visit the locals, including its sister, ill do not know what disease is unknown. Carlo Levi visited and painted pictures and beautiful and serious, perhaps, in the stillness of this land, take advantage of time. Who knows.
Our olive trees, pomegranates, fig trees and all the orchards are a sight, the result of patient work of my dad, since he retired, he devoted himself al lavoro manuale.
La giornata qui comincia presto, però, nonostante il ritmo lento della campagna si arriva in breve tempo a sera. E davvero non c’è niente da fare se non il riposo. Ho portato dei libri, ma restano lì, in valigia, in attesa di essere presi in considerazione.
La sera, quando stiamo quasi per chiudere le finestre e spegnere le luci, mentre stiamo quasi per prendere il primo gradino che ci porta su, io e mio padre cominciamo le nostre belle conversazioni. Lo ascolto raccontarmi di sé ragazzino e capisco che gli anni diventano pesanti, certe storie di collegio ed ingiustizie mi provocano moti di ribellione e senso di protezione, come se quel bambino fosse mio figlio ed io l’adulto, non viceversa.
It 'been a tough childhood, my dad. We're lucky.
The story is slight, his adventures, at times funny, because as such they had lived very remote north of the college, the long journey alone with other kids, waiting in the stations of large cities and raids between a train el ' another, the ferocious racism of which he was the victim, the desire for redemption and the strength of will that led him to be the first in his class, he just arrived and spoke only the dialect before returning definitively translated Latin and greek better than the priests.
I realize that its imprinting is strong, that my roots are deep, that the model he has been and is for me, along with my mother, is indestructible. I will not change, I want to be too old, that is a good example: I have not yet found a valid alternative models and, in hindsight, there are none around.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oral B Triumph Vs Flexcare

ancient Earth

I go home in between my mountains so much like me. It would be more correct to say that I like them: bitter, dark, quiet but deep reassuring and solid, no frills. Where people say
bread bread and wine to the wine I'm fine there.
And then there's that sense of space: the cross you, Basilicata, from side to side, and you do not abandon the idea that you are alone, as a pioneer in travel for the Americas. As you approach the sea, the mountains, descending into bitter clay gullies capable, despite everything, to turn pink at sunset, silver fir and larch trees from the bark give way to low and secular olive trees, and the dry weather gives way to the maritime climate, to the beaches low fine sand that you stick on him, almost a curse, and a crystal clear sea where, if you're not careful, naughty hidden under the sand crabs popping out to pinch when you least expect it, fluctuating between fishes and beautiful purple jellyfish , beautiful but dangerous.
tourism promotion. This I am doing.
Basilicata is spectacular and little known. Perhaps it has few facilities but the reception is good compared very acceptable price and then, more than anything, a culture cleaning that I did not find in other places.
The streets are clean, clean restaurants, excellent cuisine and risky for the line, the posts are usually very well kept, the friendly people, perhaps, unwilling to salaams. If you are the guys who like it, maybe this land is not for you, and maybe that's why the rich Arabs do not get it and that there are billionaire whatsoever. But it is infinitely better.
We gain nothing, you can be sure, what I wish is that when I ask any kid if he knows what the capital of Basilicata I'm not saying that we are falling from the clouds all Neapolitans. I am anxious that this ancient land and barren does not disappear off the map, I wish that teachers of literature and geography also teach geography, a subject somewhat mistreated.

Christ Stopped at Eboli you will also, but in addition there is a heaven.

(continued. ..)