Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dvd Mustek Not Charging

insalatissima remember my Sicilian pizza

this pizza reminds me of the summer last time I went to my village in Sicily on Saturday we went to eat pizza with my sisters, nieces etc. MAICHE. in this pizzeria in Marina di Ragusa before I took the flower very good pizza then one night or that I want to try this pizza insalatissima but what about the fact buonisssimmaaaaaaaa s yesterday was say to me eat my amrita a insalatissima my husband tells you he prepares all the c I feel like he is going down to prepare the pizza base I make the salad and I put on my husband says it seems more beautiful than the one who takes you to a pizzeria I start to eat really good good good

based white pizza and mozzarella slices and bake, prepare a tuna salad, corn, ham, tomato salad, shaved parmesan, olive oil, salt. pepper, such as pizza and ready to go out of the oven I put the salad on delicious ready


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