Sunday, December 14, 2008

Zonealarm Cannot Update Antivirus

My Missions ..... Part Four

Maybe someone will ask: "Is that all guesses (Di Pietro to!) This plaster head with my work in Iraq?

Instead is irrelevant ......

In Baghdad Museum was a kind of laboratory, which of course I have never seen, because access to many local (deposits, restoration etc..) is prohibited to the public. in which the copies were made of plaster of the most beautiful and interesting exhibits on display in the museum.

Now I do not quite remember what I paid, and thanks to those who come into possession of it is .....

At that time we send when we returned home, the large wooden boxes and made specifically for us to do the mission that led to him I managed to take home with bulky items that I could never carry through the means traditional .....

Now this beautiful plaster copy represents the head of a statue found in the ruins of Hatra, northern Iraq, is located in the entrance of my house, together with other two, but lower interest (a duck but always painted in black chalk and a black Gudea statuette of a standing with his hands clasped and with the skirt bearing cuneiform writing.

Perhaps in the previous picture has been may notice slight bruising, never restored, although my husband restorer in fact, due to cushion the blows of my children who chased around the room.

The head is almost sprint the floor and I thought: "Well, so much hard to pack, get her to my parents' house, then move into the house where I went to live when I got married, and finally the last move here, and these two unfortunate moments to me destroy !!!!!!"

I must say that I snarled long!

The picture that appears below is the poster of the exhibition of the same name which was inaugurated in Turin 20 years ago.

I do not know Excavations such as the Center did not have a decent photo of the statuette in alabaster body and head with gold, so I commissioned to photograph even though I was already retired a few years.

remember that oversees several officials attended the opening of the case that the content and quality of what made me a kind of apprehension also because I'm used to working alone with no one to me is between the feet or less that I observe.

Shooting in black and white and color slides of 6x7 cm were to be not only perfect but did not allow replication, but the digital and all that technology offers today!

Now, while using the digital I and blessed is the time when it was invented, and I can say with knowledge that everyone can be good photographers, but in the archaeological field over the proper use of the medium, comes into the field ' appropriate lighting that highlights the special features, not always very evident that you must document the find.

As I happened later with the digital medium, the coverage must also be good now because there is no time to make adjustments with the photo-shop indeed in più sempre ho scaricato la Cf direttamente sul pc dell'archeologa con cui stavo lavorando.

Sono riuscita a trovare in rete alcuni degli oggetti degli scavi, come questo deliziosi cestino in ceramica invetriata.

Purtroppo le dimensioni delle foto postate sono veramente poco omogenee ma non ho potuto, o saputo, fare di meglio....

Qui sotto è raffigurata la copertina di una importante opera del Prof. Invernizzi,una delle tante, articolata in tre grandi tomi e contenente tutte le mie riprese relative ad un tema specifico: le bullae.

Ripeto le dimensioni delle foto postate sono varie, but the findings are depicted as big as a fingernail. I spoke earlier of the bullae, and then I do not repeat here.

On the left are represented the excavations of Tell Omar, who were undergoing restoration.

fact at one point the mission was expanded and began to get a lot of "experts" highly paid, who were just hired for the restoration of the site I mentioned.

E 'can see from the photos that urban developments, being built with sun-dried bricks of earth, was inevitably subject to atmospheric degradation.

of rain will not speak, but the dust storms that "accarezzavano" sicuramente con veemenza tutto ciò che incontravano non era certo una cura di bellezza per certi siti archeologici.

Gli operai sullo scavo sistemavano in una cornice quadrata della terra impastata con acqua e quando questa forma si era sufficientemente compattata, veniva sfilata dalla forma e messa a seccare al sole.

Ricordo che arrivò un chimico, un ingegnere minerario, un architetto, vari altri "esperti" e un altro fotografo, che doveva fare le riprese fotogrammetriche e aiutare me nelle riprese dei reperti una volta finito il suo lavoro, cosa che non fece continuando a cincischiare con le sue lastre fino a quando il suo capo mi chiese se c'era collaborazione.

Quando gli dissi che di collaboration there was just sent him a photograph and had it until midnight.

were the wives of the experts, can not remember in what capacity, you probably paid the travel and living expenses because the time spent by their husbands was about three months.

archaeologists also came from Rome and Sicily (can not remember the city) which is not absolutely tied with colleagues from Turin where the climate was often quite tense.

The clashes do not say they were on the agenda, but quite often.

was fighting with the prehistoric often came from Rome and was resentful towards me in particular and with the Mission in general, because I did the filming of his findings to the museum and not for printing photos.

I avvastanza I had the rest of my work so I did not dream of shifting course of the other!

Plus I always scrounge cigarettes.

One morning we were both going to the museum and said, "Give me 5 or 6 cigarettes well enough for me all morning" at which point I told him four.

then concluded a non-aggression pact that also survived the fire caused by her in my room.

I had never bought a hair dryer on a mission as we exchange. That year I

instead spending crazy, hahaha, and by purchasing a low cost.

One day my, let's call it, a friend asked me to borrow and saw that my room was near the bathroom, after washing "the hair" as she said, and the dye was made to finish the drying operation always in my room.

pity to go to the bathroom to check the color had left the hairdryer on the bed that had a plastic mattress for which, after having covered a front of the mirror, retracing his steps he found the room on fire .... .

Luckily I was in the toilet so I missed the photographic scene, but the stench of burnt I still remember.

He had to repaint the room, to repay all the damage that the fire destroyed, not much, thankfully!

Unfortunately I have to tell some more things before you speak of the encounter with what would become my husband, but I swear that I will not spend another 4 months before doing so.

the next!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To Repair My Baby Lock Denim Pro

My mission ... Part Three

This and the following photos were taken on the occasion of the exhibition, which took place in February 2007 in Turin Palazzo Madama. Here are some

depicted Mebra Mission.

the center, with sunglasses, Prof. Gullini now that there is more .... an incalculable loss!!

The picture quality is poor because the shots were taken during the scrolling of a video showing the different types of bullae .....

that I have photographed thousands ....

The bullae are the dumplings from the clay vary in size from a fingernail to the size of a large walnut, which were imprinted on a variety of shapes and written in greek .....

from a minimum of one to a dozen, all photographed one by one ....

were studied, inventoried, they were made and casts the results of these studies has appeared in a major publication in three volumes, divided by type .....

Portraits single, double, figurines, masks, animals .... and written in greek

I have photographed in black and white ....

I've printed to scale ....

I have color photos, slides all macros .... ...

I've cropped to remove the lump of clay that was used to support them ....

And always with two 500-watt lamps ..... Summer then was a pleasure!

The photo below represents one of the thousands of terracotta photographed ..... cute!

Seleucia Why?

My manager before starting the adventure iraquena, after a thorough study of Herodotus, had choice and I do not know under what criteria.

Iraq is an amazing country: everywhere you go, just a little out of town and close to many archaeological sites that are really, you can, scraping a bit 'the land, see emergence of archaeological finds.

Maybe not, whole or coins or pottery vessels but always something really interesting.

It was said that on Friday, a day of celebration, some diplomats, and at that time the foreign embassies in Iraq were really a lot, went around in the vicinity of these sites "for telling".

Now explain what that means.

"Tel", in Arabic, means the hill (just to say we were digging at Tell Omar), and then go "for telling", a neologism created for the event, meant to go to these places, dig and not so much deep, and looting everything they could find.

Then with the diplomatic bag could make out from the land whatever they wanted ....

methods of excavation were then sometimes senseless.

I remember once we were andati in gita ad Ur e la missione tedesca invece di andare in profondità, scavando strato per strato, aveva creato una voragine profonda parecchi metri e si vedevano gli strati in cui affioravano frammenti di ceramica.

Nessuno degli archeologi seppe trovare una risposta ad un modo così poco ortodosso di condurre uno scavo……..

Nonostante la mia ignoranza in materia ricordo che rimasi veramente colpita.

Il nostro direttore invece usava un metodo non so se ideato da lui o copiato da altri che consisteva nel dividere lo scavo in quadrati.

Così era possibile registrare sul giornale di scavo tutte le notizie relative what daily came out for what concerned the materials for what concerned the planning of the site.

I still remember that one evening, had returned to our home overjoyed.

They had found a hoard of silver coins depicting Khosrow II still wrapped in a cloth bag.


I was a little 'less.

find a hoard of 387 coins means making 764 photos, to and back even though they were all the same.

And also remember that a few days after going to the souk SAME I saw in a shop.

Now I, after a photograph to remember me well ... .. but wondered where they came from and how they had acquired also an impediment to language!

Our life mission was by no means overwhelming.

soon became a daily routine.

For those who went on digging, as I said, it meant getting up early and, still asleep face a journey of 60 km in part, the shortest distance on city streets and roads for the rest less easy.

For those who remained in the city meant being at home all day, holed up in the toilet or photo with the air conditioner was going to ball, to develop and print photographs or other local artifacts from morning to evening.

Qualche volta, tanto per dare una botta di vita alla mia giornata saltavo il pranzo e andavo a piedi al suq.

Da sola.

Bastava o prendere uno di quei microbus stipati all’inverosimile di gente oppure andare in taxi o, appunto andare a piedi.

Bastava andare, per recarsi al suq “safafir”, il suq del rame, dal ponte, quello vicino a casa all’altro, attraversarlo arrivando così in Rashid Street la via più importante e caotica di Bagdad.

La città è divisa dal Tigri e le due parti sono collegate da 7 ponti per cui anche con il mio senso di orientamento pari a zero riuscivo, without getting lost, go to your destination without problems. If this were to happen I do not know what I could combine!!

I bought everything possible, plates, trays, samovar, carpets and not only there but also in time Saadun Street where several stores were run by Iranians, knitted fabrics of the nearby souks and spices.

The spice souk was then a riot of colors and scents.

Montagnole colored powders and all the warm colors were arranged neatly on the shelves.

The only problem was the fact that I did not know use for most of them for which the mie scelte furono limitate, ma acquistai chiodi di garofano (ne ho ancora) cannella in stecche e in polvere, zafferano (il più caro) curcuma, noci moscate e altro ancora.

In questo suq non ebbi modo di contrattare ma ogni singola cosa, ogni acquisto era preceduto da una accanita contrattazione e alla fine divenne una cosa estenuante anche perché essendo io bravissima lo facevo anche per gli altri.

Poi tornata a casa , a Torino, mettevo le spezie in sacchettini con l’indicazione del contenuto e li regalavo per Natale.

Un successo!!!

Potrebbe essere un’idea per chi mi legge, ma sicuramente will already have occurred.

the evening as I said earlier it was just after dinner (and I will speak later of how I started to flirt with the man who became my husband, because this happened a few years later !!!).

read, write home, we played cards and the precision brush.

In one of those occasions was missing the fourth player.

Now I'm a dog playing cards, I do not like, I do not remember the cards thrown away by others, I do not know the score, but ... ... the fourth was missing.

Then my boss asked me to take a seat at the table.

combinai I do all the colors even though I knew something about the rules ... .. just to say I could also to scrap the Seven of Diamonds.

So I lose the game to my director.

who hated to lose.

What I said growling voice: "When you do not know how to play, you do not play !!!!"

" Wait, I thought, do not fool me more!

few nights after the fourth was missing again ... ..

My manager came up to me and told me fluty voice: "Grace is playing?"

And I told him seriously, seriously: "I DO NOT ORDER WITH YOU MORE '"

This was the mother of all the gaffes!

I was truly of God and soul, I swear, I did not know other meanings of the word in question as well as to Sweep ... .. perhaps the result of education!

I remember that night clearly everyone here jumped on the couch, going to roll with laughter behind the curtains.

After all who arrived in Baghdad, belonging to the mission, were welcomed at the airport by the phrase: "Do you know what he said to Grace Gullini?"

After so many years I think if someone still remember! !

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Congrats On Baby Twinsquotes

The second part of my missions ... My ....

Sorry for the long interval elapsed from the first post ..

'm always here to pc but I preferred the other cooking blog that took me much more ....

Rereading the comments and thanking all the friends I have left them, apologizing for not answering here, there are two types of claims ... ... (the word is not very probably guessed), that admiration, if one can define, for a job that brought me this far and regret for some of my friends not to aver potuto realizzare il loro sogno e cioè di fare l’archeologo.

Il fascino di andare in terre lontane, di vedere emergere dal terreno polveroso reperti preziosi celati per centinaia di anni, e nel caso dell’Iraq da almeno 2 millenni, rimane intatto!!

Però pochi sanno che il lavoro dell’archeologo, e io lo posso affermare con cognizione di causa, è duro.

Intanto ci vuole una profonda conoscenza della storia e della letteratura antica: all’epoca si poteva accedere alla frequentazione delle facoltà umanistiche avendo alle spalle la maturità classica.

Lo studio Latin and greek and knowledge of the works of historians was basic.

I remember that my director had relied on the history of Herodotus to choose which archaeological site to dig.

I still remember a fascinating Afghan student who desperately studying privately greek to attend classes and can not be more precise.

Then he married a student to "connect" with her and went to work in Kabul.

Later he arranged professionally in all colors, stealing artifacts and selling them and collected among other failures including the sinking of her marriage ... .. but this often happens in marriages with foreigners!

Around the beginning of the 60s, the Institute for its fascination with archeology and perhaps because it seemed a study group "high" was attended by students belonging to middle class.

There was the Countess C.di A., the count of L. and sometimes I happened to go to their homes where I was greeted by a butler and I swear that when I came to my house this well ... I was a bit 'tight!

not happened then as now, especially in my room, to hear a whisper Caleche or smelling of Chanel No. 5 I revealed that quell'abitino so cute that I was just watching was "A "!!!. LANVIN

I said, and sometimes I lose a little 'memories, that the work of the archaeologist was and is hard though now greatly help the technological supports the work of indexing and cataloging of artifacts of the images.

The archaeologist must study more, to dig up and publish, and all those who work professionally in academia knows that.

As for doctors, researchers, etc., is the basic number of studies published!

Nel nostro caso specifico e dovendo lavorare all’estero era ed è importante l’organizzazione della missione.

Quindi occorre scegliere residenze cittadine ( nel nostro caso da una villetta siamo passati a tre quando il numero dei “missionari” è aumentato), reperire personale di servizio, cuoco, camerieri e cameriere, giardiniere, autisti, almeno 2 perché la località di scavo era a 60 km di distanza.ecc

All’inizio gli archeologi che tutte le mattine dovevano andare sugli scavi erano solo tre (quelli che si erano appena laureati con il nuovo direttore) e si dovevano alzare alle 5 per essere presenti sullo scavo in simultaneous arrival of the workmen at the excavation.

Then the numbers increased and they found themselves most comfortable accommodation right on digging.

Here it is worth talking about this kind of valuable employees.

These were the skilled workers who came from a village in northern Iraq (and I hope to do it right!) named Kalas Shergaat and then they were obviously Shergatin.

They knew exactly what they should do, how they should use the trowel, what was expected of them ... the archaeologists.

were precious and in short were often incensed, in a case too, as happened once for their leader who was called "THE PEARL .

Two balls so to me: The Pearl has said (in Arabic of course) .... The Pearl smiled so .... Luckily it was good and maybe this kind of incensed served, as was the head, a better functioning of the group.

Lunch, prepared by the cook the night before, was represented by sandwiches filled with cheese that looked like white plastic iraqi topped with chopped olio e sale), probabilmente forse anche della verdura..

Devo dire che a me interessava poco in quanto io rimanevo in città quindi per me la cosa era diversa.

Ricordo ancora quando tornavano la sera verso le 17, sporchi, pieni di polvere, famelici che si piazzavano davanti al frigo in cucina sotto lo sguardo costernato del cuoco e che prelevavano tutto il commestibile e lo divoravano.

Poi doccia, cena, magari quattro chiacchiere con un bicchiere di wishey davanti e una ciotolona di pistacchi da sgranocchiare e in seguito o si scriveva a casa o si continuava a studiare e catalogare in restauro o si flirtava a bit '... ..

How many loves have been born on a mission ... ... including my own!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ski Patrol Movie Cable


I was 22 years old the first time I went to Baghdad.

short hair, cotton, black glasses (recently back in fashion). Make-a little 'heavy on the eyes and upper eyelid line with thick blue eye shadow.

short, a horror, but then they used to and I could see pretty well tanned like that.

I can still remember when I told my father that I had to leave alone and first flight, he replied: "What are you going to Baghdad?" But not with the curiosity to ask what I been doing, what would have been le mie mansioni, ma proprio con la domanda implicita di chi si chiedeva chi me lo faceva fare ad andare fin là.

Dico questo per rendere chiaro il tipo di mio padre, per rendere ancor meglio il suo pensiero su tutto quello che si discostava dalla routine quotidiana.

Ricordo ancora che avevo un bellissimo cappotto marrone doppiopetto comprato alla Facis (qualcuno si ricorda ancora il negozio della Facis di Torino?), con collo di finta pelliccia di foca, bellissimo.

Allora ero ancora magrolina e facevo la mia sporca figura anche unita alla giovane età.

On that occasion I had to take, along with my luggage, a spare part was needed to run a mechanism on the excavation, but do not ask what was .

had been packed in a heavy wooden box, and upon arrival at the airport in Baghdad, who was in town, I go crazy with curiosity the dull customs officials because the request for information on what was in the wooden box instead of responding with my broken English, but their was still the more, that was a gear said it was a "dish with fingers" and they strive to think of a piatto con le dita.

Ma non fu l’unica prodezza verbale che mi capitò di dire.

Arrivati in città mi colpì l’odore che aleggiava nell’aria e, quando lo sento, ricordo ancora che per me quello era il “profumo” di Bagdad.

L’odore di gasolio.

La casa della missione era una villetta situata in una zona denominata Karradat Màriam vicino alla quale sorgeva, giusto all’altro lato della strada, la chiesa cattolica dove tutte le domeniche sera si mass.

The house, with garden, was two floors with the ground floor spaces of representation and study, dining room, library, kitchen and the upstairs "sleeping area and lounge designers.

A half flight of stairs there was a small room that I should turn in cabinet photo and the first difficulty I encountered was to find the suq the black cloth to create a room that was just be dark.

The space was really small a broken and two small rooms: the first one in which there is direct access from the stairs, was intended for drying of the photos was going through an old rotary sent from Turin who was going to try hamsters was slow and a film dryer while in the other room, the camera obscura itself, was equipped with a magnifier, 2 contact printer for printing in contact with the negative, washbasin with shelf for pans of photographic solutions and wall cabinets that served from dispensation for the photographic material.

There was also a water filter really necessary, otherwise all impurities such as sand, would be deposited on the films.

Cito last but not least, the existence of an air conditioner that was unmanageable ball so that when I came out from my cave, I seemed to go from refrigerator to oven.

The mission at that time was quite meager and that is composed of few elements, but over the years would be enriched with other members, so-called "experts".

Leading c ' was our director, then a little over forty, three young graduates, the surveyor for the relief the excavation, restoration and me.

The staff consisted of a cook, constantly terrified by the Director yelled, in an Englishman who absolutely did not understand that what they sucked cook, a gardener Gheorghis, Gibrail his son (they were a dynasty fully intended to serve the houses of foreigners), the cleaning lady who also took care of laundry and a huge name Koshaba driver who was able to eat on the way Baghdad-excavation (an hour trip) cucumbers with the skin completely fill the dashboard of a long wheelbase Land Rover, just to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of half.

My job was to develop and print negatives, every night I went to retrieve their bags when they arrived by archaeologists digging, dirty with dust and hungry, in the second half of the objects and how I happened pursued to make more.

... But I want to leave a little 'curiosity !!!!!!

last note.

's strange that there are no pictures, right?

But more time was itching to run without cameras!


duty to inform the photo that appears at the beginning of the post, to my great sorrow and anguish thinking about how Baghdad is now reduced, is taken from the Internet.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Baby Lotion Clog Pores

Processing Techniques: My Life in and out of the darkroom

My father was a southern, geographically and mentally ....

I could not go swimming with the school I attended because the instructor was a male.

My brother who was a male hand, but he was throwing up all the times we had to go.

I must say that many years later I still can not understand why I enrolled Technical Institute for Graphic Arts and Photography, attended only by boys.

From 1956 to '60 the school was being Sant'Ottavio right next to where it was later built the Palazzo Nuovo.

About Turin knows what I mean.

Last year he was transferred to Via Ponchielli across town, ¾ of an hour by tram. Currently the name of the institution is Bodoni.

studied in trams and repeat the lessons with my friend who was committed by the Vidor in Via Roma (the sale of cashmere garments, which still exists today).

Eight hours of lessons per day, with lunch breaks.

lessons on Saturdays, half day.

Then tasks to be done at home in the evening.

Theory so.

little practice.

a week attending classes artistic photos (portraits with a monument to plate camera 13x18, aperture always the same, more or less light as well). I still remember my professor: Professor Richard Scofield.

To me it seemed very old and made us the lessons by sitting in a chair with a blanket on her legs.

Lessons took place in the basement of the school but that did not seem so cold.

The week after we had industrial photography: shooting various 9x12 cm plates or films that were developed after 15 days.

So in short, to see the printed results of our efforts was to spend a month and a half.

When I started working at the Institute of Archaeology were pain.

I could do really little.

My director of photography, however, was a genius and when he was in Rome printed in color by comparing the samples directly to the mosaics that had photographed.

Then the color development, even in a photo lab, was done by trial and error by eliminating filters and from time to time, color casts that could appear on the specimens.

development times lasted an hour and the temperature must be constant: 24 ° accurate colors could otherwise deteriorate.

course laboratories had ensured that the temperature of the devices constant, I had to do it by hand.

Slowly I learned, thanks to my boss, all the tricks about photography

My job was in the filming of objects, of course, archaeological finds, reproductions of books, microfilms, printing black and white footage and color printing on paper, development of slides, murals on canvas and paper and all alone.

I've really done all the colors in every way.

beginning I had make reproductions from books of photographs that were used for the lessons of Greek and Roman Archaeology. I had to make printing from the negatives on transparent, mount mounts, pulendone slides, an avalanche every time, printing contact sheets and enlargements for handouts, in 3 copies.

Over the years the courses increased.

were added in addition to the courses already mentioned, and there are still those of Eastern Archaeology, medieval, Christian, and those of Etruscan studies.

Then they began the mission in Iraq from October to Christmas and sometimes not even coming back home and I fermavo fino a Pasqua.

In Missione il lavoro era di tutto riposo.

Dovevo fotografare centinaia di oggetti, a volte migliaia come nel caso delle bullae, di cui dovevo fare anche le diapositive.

Il lavoro doveva andare bene subito e non era ripetibile perché, a fine missione, dovevamo consegnare gli oggetti alle autorità iraquene .

Le diapositive venivano sviluppate in Italia e per il bianco e nero quello che non riuscivo a fare a Bagdad doveva essere completato in Italia.

Ovviamente dovevo sviluppare e stampare anche le foto di scavo e stamparle in triplice copia.

addition to his work as a photographer during several missions had the commitment to direct the course of the houses of the mission, a sort of ruler: directing the servants, to decide the menu, keep their accounts and arrange any business dinners.

Since we are an archaeological mission abroad, sometimes Sometimes you need to invite for dinners or receptions of ambassadors or other officials iraqueni nations with which we were in labor relations and with which my boss had friendships.

Then I began to go in Calabria and Sicily for more filming objects, but also to make photogrammetric.

I still remember with anguish when photographed from the excavations, with a special machine suitable for this type of shooting, in a basket like those who use the workers Enel for the repair of streetlights.

I did this kind of shooting in Iraq.

My manager did not want that, both during air travel outward and return , spedissi cameras that were kept in two wooden briefcases with the rest of the luggage.

had to take with me to the cabin: 2 wooden boxes weighing 16 pounds, one in each hand and her purse between her teeth.

In Iraq I had to make photogrammetric the Abbasid palace par excellence: TaK-I Kisra.

The history and importance of this building that represents the depth from Iraq would be going to those who wish to consult the pages, many on the Internet.

I still remember when, in the shade a tent and sitting on the floor, remove the slabs exposed by schiassis, puts them in the box of the exposed plates and replaced with blank plates.

Maybe someone will ask how I did it in broad daylight even in the shade of a tent.

I used a special hose thick black canvas that we photographers call "pants"

indeed looked like a pant, and this went on the high side, say an ideal life, a long hinge, which is open, we introduce all that we needed to change the sheets: boxes of new plates or empty containers from which to draw or fill the blank sheets.

from the two sides from which they had supposedly quit the arms and legs were introduced then, the exchange was made with caution.

And this type of shooting I've done so much.

When it came to blow, this time in the darkroom institute, I slide the magnifier on metal runners and projected the negatives on the wall.

The janitor helped me to place the paper or canvas, and secure it with tape then developed these sheets and this time alone in the tank 2 meters long .

still do not seem true to be able to do this.

and weeks in the summer, go to photograph the bully who had a sort of dumpling-shaped ring of clay that were used to accompany the documents, each of which could contain from one to twenty footprints!. All of fotografare una per una. E con 2 lampade da 500 watts addosso e in una stanzetta chiusa.

Spesso il rilievo delle figure era appena percettibile ma io dovevo evidenziare al massimo ogni dettaglio.

La maggior parte delle riprese dovevano essere buone subito e con le diapositive non era possibile fare nessun ritocco.

Ricordo ancora il mio direttore che, gonfiando il petto con orgoglio, diceva ai suoi colleghi che il laboratorio fotografico era in grado di fare qualunque cosa.

Lo avrei azzannato.

Il laboratorio fotografico ero IO.

When the war in Iraq after the robbers looted everything they could in the Italian-iraqueno, gathered in the library all the books of which he was equipped to give them fire me was evil.

The books I had all I copied one of the first copier appeared on the market: a real monument.

A good part of those books I had photographed me reproducing the originals: reproduced and printed on photo paper for airmail to decrease the weight.

Now with the new technology is a godsend.

When I went to Lebanon and Jordan, I adored my little Canon in her purse, not a trolley full of cameras.

No more hours in the darkroom to heat or cold or warm as it happened to me in the basement of my house with the temperature of the bath at 8 °. I had to make absolutely the temperature at which happened right grade with immersion in a water bath tubs in the bathrooms containing development and fixing, of pots containing boiling water with a whistle that could otherwise develop and fix the prints.

Now being a photographer is easier with the digital computer and photoshop.

But there is always the technique, experience, knowing how to illuminate the findings to pull out all the details.

No editing program with a computer can do.

At least I flatter myself.

I just want to say, the conclusion that when I retired in Institute would need three people to do the job I was doing.



Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Puppies Nipples Enlarged

wiedershen Auf Berlin !!!!!! Part

Devo recitare il mea culpa.

Sono una cattiva viaggiatrice.

Vado a rimorchio, come in questo viaggio a Berlino, senza informarmi su ciò che andrò a vedere sui musei che andrò a visitare, eccezion fatta per il Pergamon.

Sono armata, più che di informazioni, della mia Canon old, almost obsolete, but it works fine.

When I enter a museum takes my rut: photographer at full blast. The statues in their entirety, and then get to the details and I would not stop anymore. Not to mention the architectural parts. Had been there for me I would have spent the night.

I seem to go back in time when fotografafo crockery still smelling of consolidating: front, back, right profile, left, details of the face if needed.

I should give it easy, but I do not always succeed, but then when I download the digital'm happy, my memories do not fade over time.

After this long, obligatory introduction, step to the story true of my adventure in Berlin.

Boden Museum would like to mention that we have only admired passing by.

For the uninitiated, are finally informed me, this building from the amazing beauty, majestic and fascinating, was built in 1906 and completely restored in 2006 and led to the present glory, after years of neglect.

part of the island's five museums including the Pergamon and extends between the Spree Canal and Kupfergraben.

seems de encompasses Wonderland. The next time will not escape me for sure!

After admiring the Museum Boden we turned right and crossed the bridge over the river is what appeared on the parapet ?

These four bronze that have been galvanized and we photographed without any restraint.

I do not know who they are or what they represent but I found them delicious.

On Easter Sunday, the snow that looked like grains of polystyrene, we went to dutiful pilgrimage in search of stunning properties in two flea markets that, according to Anna, are among the most famous of Berlin.
I have not found anything that I liked, my house is overflowing with small objects, but also major fruit of my forays in the souks of Baghdad, Amman and Beirut, but were discouraged from thinking about my trolley every purchase that I had trouble starting close .

I have to do a fitting tribute and thanks to the boys who were with us, the father of Anna and my son, who have never and under no other occasion showed moments of impatience, boredom, discomfort or despair.

were admirable and patients.

I want to briefly mention the visit which was not short in the Jewish Museum or Judisches Musem
worth visiting with meditation and carefully as it is very well made, edited, arranged on 3 floors and beautiful both inside and in the implementation architectural exterior.

On the subject of homage to the holocaust we went to a strange afternoon with veils of clouds, flashes of sun, while at the same time it snowed, and visit the Memorial agli ebrei realizzato da Peter Eisenmann.

Si tratta di un'enorme spianata solcata da 2711 parallelepipedi di cemento di diverse altezze, dimensioni e inclinazioni.
Vale la pena di recarvisi e sarete pervasi come noi, sicuramente, da un'emozione strana.

Tappa obbligatoria al Chek point Charlie che indicava il punto di frontiera tra la zona americana e sovietica.
Che dire poi di quello che resta del famoso muro, decorato di graffiti, disegni un libro a cielo aperta della disperazione di decenni?

Per ultimo desidero ricordare la bellissima torre della televisione che sorgeva vicinissimo al nostro albergo.

the 368-meter could be seen up close or far away in almost every point we were in Berlin.

forgot !!!!!! Both
Anna I, the night before we adocchiatto vendors knit.

After long negotiation she has bought the one that is good to die, (she has a face like a hat), then I was persuaded to buy one myself and, still negotiating on the price I Padgate still less than 5 € .
But the fun was that our vendor, Pakistan was in Bergamo and was in Berlin he married a German.

We wanted to investigate further.

I learned from Anna that the bearskin is very glamorous for the season 2008/2009.

Well both you and I have anticipated the fashion.

Guys I want to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hmv Led Zeppelin Shirts

wiedershen Auf Berlin !!!!!! Part

Rain, wind, a cold that I will remember for a lifetime, snow grains that seemed almost polystyrene.

And we, the magnificent five caparisoned as if we were going to the North Pole.

anoraks, ski gloves, thick socks, pants and wool pants, I hat that looked like una profuga.

Eppure abbiamo scorrazzato impavidi per 4 giorni, mai stanchi o quasi, facendo ogni tanto soste ristoratrici nei vari bar per fare rifornimento di calde bevande e mirate soste idrauliche.

Avevo quasi paura di non farcela, io che cammino poco e mi muovo quasi esclusivamente in macchina, invece ho girato, camminato, trotterellando dietro ai i miei compagni di ventura dalle 9 del mattino fino a sera tardi.

Cosa dire di Berlino senza cadere nell'ovvio?

La città è, a dir poco, sensazionale.

Grandi strade, immensi viali fiancheggiati da costruzioni dall'architettura in massima parte molto armoniosa e con facciate dipinte con colori pastellati ed estremamente gradevoli.

Our tour was organized by Anna, the girl of my son, a fortnight before and the result of a whole afternoon of work and research.

He had studied all day to day sights, museums, the fun stuff such as the two most famous flea markets of Berlin, the various means of transport both underground and open air and so on.

queues of two hours or more to visit the Pergamon and the Bundestag (?) In the cold, wind and rain are almost forgotten.

I want to speak of Pergamon which is what excited me most.

Certainly the Pergamon Altar needs no comment, but I was overwhelmed by a wave of emotion at the sight of the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, the real, unique and unforgettable, with the colors still vivid, with plastics and majestic beasts depicted in bas-reliefs created with bricks.

I still remember the reconstructed Ishtar Gate in Babylon, miserable attempt, compared to the original point out to those who admired the grandeur of the past.
In Babylon, however there is still the stone lion, perhaps too heavy to be removed and sold. And yet
carpets, objects, glass, model of the complex in the city, stucco and much more.

So those who still go to the Pergamon in Berlin should be considered a step compulsory and do not like that lady, the Italian friend who said: "The Islamic party the jump." However
organization, sound, wardrobe etc.. were excellent as well as the opportunity to photograph.

Leaving the museum we made a stop-eat at a cozy little place where I had my first encounter with a huge sausage and fried potatoes.
I do not like hot dogs but this was definitely something different than what appears in our supermarkets and the beer drunk in huge jugs was, to say of my companions, good and excellent quality in all the places we went .

often had numerous stalls along the streets .... and the stops were mandatory.

We made many trips on the subway and I must say that almost seemed to be in a room with walls decorated in various ways, tiled with various subjects with or with huge paintings.
coaches were comfortable and comfortable seating.
When I then took the subway in Milan, in return, seemed to be in a black hole!

not want to do this time as a serial and it almost seems that it's been a long time and not only 8 days after returning, but I want to list all or almost what we have seen and visited.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Board And Batten Shutters With Star

The Unbearable Lightness of advertising

The title I liked, I do not know what can be guessed to what I'm going to dire.

Mi è venuta voglia di scrivere qualcosa dopo che ho visto i due ultimi spot della Tim.

Assolutamente geniali.


Musica che si ricorderà quasi in eterno, allegra, e quanto abbiamo bisogno di allegria!!, orecchiabile, magari la canteremo sotto la doccia forse senza ricordarci che accompagnava la pubblicità della Tim .......o forse no?

E i protagonisti che si piegano a forma di cellulare o i personaggi mignon che scaturiscono e poi si richiudono nei vari portatili?

Quando creeranno un premio Oscar (o forse c'è già?) per questi geniali creatori di immagini, di sensazioni, che in 15' o al massimo 30' riescono a raccontare una storia con tanto di filosofia commerciale e ti catturano e ti spingono a romperti una gamba dalla fretta per recarti al negozio o centro commerciale più vicino per accaparrarti l'oggetto senza il quale non potresti più vivere?

In passato ho letto che c'era un formaggio "Camoscio d'oro" la cui vendita aveva subito una notevole flessione.

Bene con una buona campagna pubblicitaria la vendita del prodotto è aumentata notevolmente.

E che dire di Chanel N.5 la cui vendita è , dopo lo spot con la Kidman, aumentata del 17% registrando l'acquisto anche da parte di ragazze giovani?

Io non amo molto le interruzioni pubblicitarie, durante i films soprattutto, e gemo già al decimo spot sapendo che ce ne saranno almeno altri 7 o 8.

Ma ci sono stati degli spot che erano e sono talmente belli e ben fatti, delle genialate insomma, che , indipendentemente dal prodotto che proponevano e che non mi interessava, mi spingevano a smettere di fare ciò che stavo facendo per andarlo a rivedere. Quasi ogni volta.

Quasi da vergognarsi.

E l'ultimo spot della ENI?

Una tenerezza unica.

Mi fa venire in mente i libriccini di favole che regalavo ai miei bambini con le immagini che magicamente si sollevavano dall'interno pagina e creavano suggestive illusioni.

E quella macchina che si trasforma nel robot che balla?

E quei musicians who play with pieces of car?

Well I do not remember what kind of car was advertised, but the girl, a great work of art.

Maybe because I see through the eyes of a photographer?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Combination Safe Recovering Combination

And so the whole blog!! That week

a few months, my PC will celebrate four years.

As I said in a previous post at the beginning, I had several moments of bewilderment, dressed in distrust of the black box which contained many possibilities and many problems.

Slowly I've fallen behind, but I'm still crap.

My kids do not believe me when I tell them that I I did not do anything while I disappear and the image files are hidden folders that unknown do not know where to look.

heartened My son told me that when he returns from London, I will fix everything, but then they growl and not so quietly, giving me a lot of clumsy and more.

Then I made the connection to the Internet, just to send and receive mail.

Then I discovered that Google could fill the gaps abysmal (ah ah ah) of my knowledge.

And then I discovered the existence of blogs. Especially

of blogs de cuisine.

A world of endless recipes.

And from then began the frenzy of copy-paste opening thematic folders and no end of trouble.

hours and hours trying new recipes, often enriched with beautiful photos very tempting to try them.

once gave me a gourd-shaped bottle with the neck very long and weighing 8 kg .!!!!!!! tac and then, just a few clicks and I was left crushed by an infinite number of recipes from which they arise my jam spicy chutney and spicy pumpkin, of course. What I discovered

Stilton, what is ghe and asafoetida ..........

Then I went to look up the meaning of blog and when it began collecting this fever that has infected the entire world, including poor me tapina di 65 anni (ben portati, dicono).

Nel luglio 2007, aiutata da mia figlia Valentina, è nato il mio primo blog, che mi ha gasato parecchio.

Ho avuto così modo di raccontare per gli amici e per gli amici dei miei figli le mie scorribande per motivi di lavoro nel Medio Oriente.

E poi, esattamente il 15 gennaio, è nata la mia ultima passione sfrenata che si chiama " A tavola con Mammazan".

Ho accarezzato, e neanche tanto a lungo, quest'idea che mi ha catturato totalmente, avvolgendomi completamente e facendomi quasi scomparire tra i vapori profumati che uscivano dalle mie pentole.

Devo dire che, specialmente coloro che misono più vicini, hanno esultato for my new blog that have benefited measurably and continuously, acting as guinea pigs for my preparations.

I must also say that sometimes, just to have an opinion, I send my children to the e-mail with photos of recipes I am going to publish.

They are working, one in Milan at the other near Turin, and especially at certain times of the morning, around lunchtime, drooling seeing the pictures, thinking perhaps to their sad sandwich.

But the blog is cooking, for me, very challenging.

is not only write four sentences on the cross.

am of the opinion that when you do one thing you must do it well.

addition to the beautiful (for me) graphics edited by Valentina also taught me how to put good pictures in context, almost dragging by the ears, and always valuable advice and criticism of Simon (signs of the times, the difficulties and costs of the preparations, queuing script and a lot more, and there was much "fun" photo of the food that I was preparing.

Incidentally there are several blog naked and raw, as I say, without even a picture, and as you know, a picture is better than thousand words.

photos and pictures (with a small Canon to exist!) with sunlight or lamp Ikea that I spin on the dishes or saucers decorated with pizzettini per torte provenienti all'America e recuperati dai cassetti di mia madre e vecchi di almeno di 40 anni, ricerca di fondali con quello che avevo in casa da adattare come colore e dimensione.

Scaricare su PC raccogliere in cartelle , scegliere le immagini ed inserirle, controllare gli errori di battitura e strafalcioni vari.

E poi veder gli accessi ,il numero delle visite, (ho ricevuto anche nella mia posta elettrica richieste di consigli.......)

Questo è un pan brioche che ho prerato, agghindato, regalato alla mia migliore amica e...... ovviamente pubblicato.

La pagherò cara......