Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Puppies Nipples Enlarged

wiedershen Auf Berlin !!!!!! Part

Devo recitare il mea culpa.

Sono una cattiva viaggiatrice.

Vado a rimorchio, come in questo viaggio a Berlino, senza informarmi su ciò che andrò a vedere sui musei che andrò a visitare, eccezion fatta per il Pergamon.

Sono armata, più che di informazioni, della mia Canon old, almost obsolete, but it works fine.

When I enter a museum takes my rut: photographer at full blast. The statues in their entirety, and then get to the details and I would not stop anymore. Not to mention the architectural parts. Had been there for me I would have spent the night.

I seem to go back in time when fotografafo crockery still smelling of consolidating: front, back, right profile, left, details of the face if needed.

I should give it easy, but I do not always succeed, but then when I download the digital'm happy, my memories do not fade over time.

After this long, obligatory introduction, step to the story true of my adventure in Berlin.

Boden Museum would like to mention that we have only admired passing by.

For the uninitiated, are finally informed me, this building from the amazing beauty, majestic and fascinating, was built in 1906 and completely restored in 2006 and led to the present glory, after years of neglect.

part of the island's five museums including the Pergamon and extends between the Spree Canal and Kupfergraben.

seems de encompasses Wonderland. The next time will not escape me for sure!

After admiring the Museum Boden we turned right and crossed the bridge over the river is what appeared on the parapet ?

These four bronze that have been galvanized and we photographed without any restraint.

I do not know who they are or what they represent but I found them delicious.

On Easter Sunday, the snow that looked like grains of polystyrene, we went to dutiful pilgrimage in search of stunning properties in two flea markets that, according to Anna, are among the most famous of Berlin.
I have not found anything that I liked, my house is overflowing with small objects, but also major fruit of my forays in the souks of Baghdad, Amman and Beirut, but were discouraged from thinking about my trolley every purchase that I had trouble starting close .

I have to do a fitting tribute and thanks to the boys who were with us, the father of Anna and my son, who have never and under no other occasion showed moments of impatience, boredom, discomfort or despair.

were admirable and patients.

I want to briefly mention the visit which was not short in the Jewish Museum or Judisches Musem
worth visiting with meditation and carefully as it is very well made, edited, arranged on 3 floors and beautiful both inside and in the implementation architectural exterior.

On the subject of homage to the holocaust we went to a strange afternoon with veils of clouds, flashes of sun, while at the same time it snowed, and visit the Memorial agli ebrei realizzato da Peter Eisenmann.

Si tratta di un'enorme spianata solcata da 2711 parallelepipedi di cemento di diverse altezze, dimensioni e inclinazioni.
Vale la pena di recarvisi e sarete pervasi come noi, sicuramente, da un'emozione strana.

Tappa obbligatoria al Chek point Charlie che indicava il punto di frontiera tra la zona americana e sovietica.
Che dire poi di quello che resta del famoso muro, decorato di graffiti, disegni un libro a cielo aperta della disperazione di decenni?

Per ultimo desidero ricordare la bellissima torre della televisione che sorgeva vicinissimo al nostro albergo.

the 368-meter could be seen up close or far away in almost every point we were in Berlin.

forgot !!!!!! Both
Anna I, the night before we adocchiatto vendors knit.

After long negotiation she has bought the one that is good to die, (she has a face like a hat), then I was persuaded to buy one myself and, still negotiating on the price I Padgate still less than 5 € .
But the fun was that our vendor, Pakistan was in Bergamo and was in Berlin he married a German.

We wanted to investigate further.

I learned from Anna that the bearskin is very glamorous for the season 2008/2009.

Well both you and I have anticipated the fashion.

Guys I want to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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