Sunday, March 16, 2008

Combination Safe Recovering Combination

And so the whole blog!! That week

a few months, my PC will celebrate four years.

As I said in a previous post at the beginning, I had several moments of bewilderment, dressed in distrust of the black box which contained many possibilities and many problems.

Slowly I've fallen behind, but I'm still crap.

My kids do not believe me when I tell them that I I did not do anything while I disappear and the image files are hidden folders that unknown do not know where to look.

heartened My son told me that when he returns from London, I will fix everything, but then they growl and not so quietly, giving me a lot of clumsy and more.

Then I made the connection to the Internet, just to send and receive mail.

Then I discovered that Google could fill the gaps abysmal (ah ah ah) of my knowledge.

And then I discovered the existence of blogs. Especially

of blogs de cuisine.

A world of endless recipes.

And from then began the frenzy of copy-paste opening thematic folders and no end of trouble.

hours and hours trying new recipes, often enriched with beautiful photos very tempting to try them.

once gave me a gourd-shaped bottle with the neck very long and weighing 8 kg .!!!!!!! tac and then, just a few clicks and I was left crushed by an infinite number of recipes from which they arise my jam spicy chutney and spicy pumpkin, of course. What I discovered

Stilton, what is ghe and asafoetida ..........

Then I went to look up the meaning of blog and when it began collecting this fever that has infected the entire world, including poor me tapina di 65 anni (ben portati, dicono).

Nel luglio 2007, aiutata da mia figlia Valentina, è nato il mio primo blog, che mi ha gasato parecchio.

Ho avuto così modo di raccontare per gli amici e per gli amici dei miei figli le mie scorribande per motivi di lavoro nel Medio Oriente.

E poi, esattamente il 15 gennaio, è nata la mia ultima passione sfrenata che si chiama " A tavola con Mammazan".

Ho accarezzato, e neanche tanto a lungo, quest'idea che mi ha catturato totalmente, avvolgendomi completamente e facendomi quasi scomparire tra i vapori profumati che uscivano dalle mie pentole.

Devo dire che, specialmente coloro che misono più vicini, hanno esultato for my new blog that have benefited measurably and continuously, acting as guinea pigs for my preparations.

I must also say that sometimes, just to have an opinion, I send my children to the e-mail with photos of recipes I am going to publish.

They are working, one in Milan at the other near Turin, and especially at certain times of the morning, around lunchtime, drooling seeing the pictures, thinking perhaps to their sad sandwich.

But the blog is cooking, for me, very challenging.

is not only write four sentences on the cross.

am of the opinion that when you do one thing you must do it well.

addition to the beautiful (for me) graphics edited by Valentina also taught me how to put good pictures in context, almost dragging by the ears, and always valuable advice and criticism of Simon (signs of the times, the difficulties and costs of the preparations, queuing script and a lot more, and there was much "fun" photo of the food that I was preparing.

Incidentally there are several blog naked and raw, as I say, without even a picture, and as you know, a picture is better than thousand words.

photos and pictures (with a small Canon to exist!) with sunlight or lamp Ikea that I spin on the dishes or saucers decorated with pizzettini per torte provenienti all'America e recuperati dai cassetti di mia madre e vecchi di almeno di 40 anni, ricerca di fondali con quello che avevo in casa da adattare come colore e dimensione.

Scaricare su PC raccogliere in cartelle , scegliere le immagini ed inserirle, controllare gli errori di battitura e strafalcioni vari.

E poi veder gli accessi ,il numero delle visite, (ho ricevuto anche nella mia posta elettrica richieste di consigli.......)

Questo è un pan brioche che ho prerato, agghindato, regalato alla mia migliore amica e...... ovviamente pubblicato.

La pagherò cara......



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