Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hmv Led Zeppelin Shirts

wiedershen Auf Berlin !!!!!! Part

Rain, wind, a cold that I will remember for a lifetime, snow grains that seemed almost polystyrene.

And we, the magnificent five caparisoned as if we were going to the North Pole.

anoraks, ski gloves, thick socks, pants and wool pants, I hat that looked like una profuga.

Eppure abbiamo scorrazzato impavidi per 4 giorni, mai stanchi o quasi, facendo ogni tanto soste ristoratrici nei vari bar per fare rifornimento di calde bevande e mirate soste idrauliche.

Avevo quasi paura di non farcela, io che cammino poco e mi muovo quasi esclusivamente in macchina, invece ho girato, camminato, trotterellando dietro ai i miei compagni di ventura dalle 9 del mattino fino a sera tardi.

Cosa dire di Berlino senza cadere nell'ovvio?

La città è, a dir poco, sensazionale.

Grandi strade, immensi viali fiancheggiati da costruzioni dall'architettura in massima parte molto armoniosa e con facciate dipinte con colori pastellati ed estremamente gradevoli.

Our tour was organized by Anna, the girl of my son, a fortnight before and the result of a whole afternoon of work and research.

He had studied all day to day sights, museums, the fun stuff such as the two most famous flea markets of Berlin, the various means of transport both underground and open air and so on.

queues of two hours or more to visit the Pergamon and the Bundestag (?) In the cold, wind and rain are almost forgotten.

I want to speak of Pergamon which is what excited me most.

Certainly the Pergamon Altar needs no comment, but I was overwhelmed by a wave of emotion at the sight of the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, the real, unique and unforgettable, with the colors still vivid, with plastics and majestic beasts depicted in bas-reliefs created with bricks.

I still remember the reconstructed Ishtar Gate in Babylon, miserable attempt, compared to the original point out to those who admired the grandeur of the past.
In Babylon, however there is still the stone lion, perhaps too heavy to be removed and sold. And yet
carpets, objects, glass, model of the complex in the city, stucco and much more.

So those who still go to the Pergamon in Berlin should be considered a step compulsory and do not like that lady, the Italian friend who said: "The Islamic party the jump." However
organization, sound, wardrobe etc.. were excellent as well as the opportunity to photograph.

Leaving the museum we made a stop-eat at a cozy little place where I had my first encounter with a huge sausage and fried potatoes.
I do not like hot dogs but this was definitely something different than what appears in our supermarkets and the beer drunk in huge jugs was, to say of my companions, good and excellent quality in all the places we went .

often had numerous stalls along the streets .... and the stops were mandatory.

We made many trips on the subway and I must say that almost seemed to be in a room with walls decorated in various ways, tiled with various subjects with or with huge paintings.
coaches were comfortable and comfortable seating.
When I then took the subway in Milan, in return, seemed to be in a black hole!

not want to do this time as a serial and it almost seems that it's been a long time and not only 8 days after returning, but I want to list all or almost what we have seen and visited.


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