Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Sbi Power Of Attorney


oziato I have not until now. Only
and probably I have made pies and I could not connect to the Internet.
But finally and for the joy of my 25 players are here to delight you with my rambling.
Yes, my son turned 31. It is a historic event and someone might ask me why I did not write something for his 30 years but then was not born on my blog and legendary so I do now.
The event was celebrated with the careful selection of gifts and I must say it was easy because, as he had need of useful things for his little house in Milan, Valentina and I are oriented microwave, Vac and a set of corkscrew that enjoyed so monstrous, not to mention the box of a thousand wonders chosen by her adorable love Anna.
Then choose the menu for the birthday lunch, which fills me with anguish every time, and it is repeated at every important occasion, my guests should have four stomachs and an infinite time to sample all if the whole list recipes choices could be performed. I
are limited to six appetizers (all new entries) to a sufficiently developed first, a second major and two desserts.
But the must-have for every birthday lunch in the wild boar crust and the cake with sponge cake, whipped cream and my legendary chestnut jam.
All around us can be anything but those two dishes are not just missing.
And then the main course he is, my boyfriend every Once, when he returned home, I always seem taller, or am I that I shrinks, more and more beautiful, more adorable and I must say it does not seem true to have 31 years. Even then, the day was beautiful, cold, and that afternoon when I walked in the labor room with a newspaper under his arm, readily sottrattomi from my gynecologist, began my adventure as a mother continued 18 months later and still not finished!


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