Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ringworm In Gay Males

sunshine award: and colored peppers stuffed with rice cakes

pronti per essere serviti a tavola

ringrazio sissi per avermi :::premiata con questo sunshine award le regole dicono che si deve passare ad altri 12 blog::: but I want to go to all who pass here because blogghiste is very difficult for me to choose all the talented and brilliant you are, as this award::: I dedicate my recipe

Replace cover and bake peppers I wash them and put a little salt and the rice I fill

peppers stuffed with rice
2 cups brown rice
4 cups beef broth 2 zucchini
5 slices of ham
100 grams of ground almonds
1oo g of peas 1 yellow pepper, cut into squares
noce moscata,sale, pepe,olio,cipolla
5 pomodorini tagliatti piccoli
o fatto un risotto e
o riempito i peperoni ed infornati


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