Monday, March 17, 2008

Board And Batten Shutters With Star

The Unbearable Lightness of advertising

The title I liked, I do not know what can be guessed to what I'm going to dire.

Mi è venuta voglia di scrivere qualcosa dopo che ho visto i due ultimi spot della Tim.

Assolutamente geniali.


Musica che si ricorderà quasi in eterno, allegra, e quanto abbiamo bisogno di allegria!!, orecchiabile, magari la canteremo sotto la doccia forse senza ricordarci che accompagnava la pubblicità della Tim .......o forse no?

E i protagonisti che si piegano a forma di cellulare o i personaggi mignon che scaturiscono e poi si richiudono nei vari portatili?

Quando creeranno un premio Oscar (o forse c'è già?) per questi geniali creatori di immagini, di sensazioni, che in 15' o al massimo 30' riescono a raccontare una storia con tanto di filosofia commerciale e ti catturano e ti spingono a romperti una gamba dalla fretta per recarti al negozio o centro commerciale più vicino per accaparrarti l'oggetto senza il quale non potresti più vivere?

In passato ho letto che c'era un formaggio "Camoscio d'oro" la cui vendita aveva subito una notevole flessione.

Bene con una buona campagna pubblicitaria la vendita del prodotto è aumentata notevolmente.

E che dire di Chanel N.5 la cui vendita è , dopo lo spot con la Kidman, aumentata del 17% registrando l'acquisto anche da parte di ragazze giovani?

Io non amo molto le interruzioni pubblicitarie, durante i films soprattutto, e gemo già al decimo spot sapendo che ce ne saranno almeno altri 7 o 8.

Ma ci sono stati degli spot che erano e sono talmente belli e ben fatti, delle genialate insomma, che , indipendentemente dal prodotto che proponevano e che non mi interessava, mi spingevano a smettere di fare ciò che stavo facendo per andarlo a rivedere. Quasi ogni volta.

Quasi da vergognarsi.

E l'ultimo spot della ENI?

Una tenerezza unica.

Mi fa venire in mente i libriccini di favole che regalavo ai miei bambini con le immagini che magicamente si sollevavano dall'interno pagina e creavano suggestive illusioni.

E quella macchina che si trasforma nel robot che balla?

E quei musicians who play with pieces of car?

Well I do not remember what kind of car was advertised, but the girl, a great work of art.

Maybe because I see through the eyes of a photographer?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Combination Safe Recovering Combination

And so the whole blog!! That week

a few months, my PC will celebrate four years.

As I said in a previous post at the beginning, I had several moments of bewilderment, dressed in distrust of the black box which contained many possibilities and many problems.

Slowly I've fallen behind, but I'm still crap.

My kids do not believe me when I tell them that I I did not do anything while I disappear and the image files are hidden folders that unknown do not know where to look.

heartened My son told me that when he returns from London, I will fix everything, but then they growl and not so quietly, giving me a lot of clumsy and more.

Then I made the connection to the Internet, just to send and receive mail.

Then I discovered that Google could fill the gaps abysmal (ah ah ah) of my knowledge.

And then I discovered the existence of blogs. Especially

of blogs de cuisine.

A world of endless recipes.

And from then began the frenzy of copy-paste opening thematic folders and no end of trouble.

hours and hours trying new recipes, often enriched with beautiful photos very tempting to try them.

once gave me a gourd-shaped bottle with the neck very long and weighing 8 kg .!!!!!!! tac and then, just a few clicks and I was left crushed by an infinite number of recipes from which they arise my jam spicy chutney and spicy pumpkin, of course. What I discovered

Stilton, what is ghe and asafoetida ..........

Then I went to look up the meaning of blog and when it began collecting this fever that has infected the entire world, including poor me tapina di 65 anni (ben portati, dicono).

Nel luglio 2007, aiutata da mia figlia Valentina, è nato il mio primo blog, che mi ha gasato parecchio.

Ho avuto così modo di raccontare per gli amici e per gli amici dei miei figli le mie scorribande per motivi di lavoro nel Medio Oriente.

E poi, esattamente il 15 gennaio, è nata la mia ultima passione sfrenata che si chiama " A tavola con Mammazan".

Ho accarezzato, e neanche tanto a lungo, quest'idea che mi ha catturato totalmente, avvolgendomi completamente e facendomi quasi scomparire tra i vapori profumati che uscivano dalle mie pentole.

Devo dire che, specialmente coloro che misono più vicini, hanno esultato for my new blog that have benefited measurably and continuously, acting as guinea pigs for my preparations.

I must also say that sometimes, just to have an opinion, I send my children to the e-mail with photos of recipes I am going to publish.

They are working, one in Milan at the other near Turin, and especially at certain times of the morning, around lunchtime, drooling seeing the pictures, thinking perhaps to their sad sandwich.

But the blog is cooking, for me, very challenging.

is not only write four sentences on the cross.

am of the opinion that when you do one thing you must do it well.

addition to the beautiful (for me) graphics edited by Valentina also taught me how to put good pictures in context, almost dragging by the ears, and always valuable advice and criticism of Simon (signs of the times, the difficulties and costs of the preparations, queuing script and a lot more, and there was much "fun" photo of the food that I was preparing.

Incidentally there are several blog naked and raw, as I say, without even a picture, and as you know, a picture is better than thousand words.

photos and pictures (with a small Canon to exist!) with sunlight or lamp Ikea that I spin on the dishes or saucers decorated with pizzettini per torte provenienti all'America e recuperati dai cassetti di mia madre e vecchi di almeno di 40 anni, ricerca di fondali con quello che avevo in casa da adattare come colore e dimensione.

Scaricare su PC raccogliere in cartelle , scegliere le immagini ed inserirle, controllare gli errori di battitura e strafalcioni vari.

E poi veder gli accessi ,il numero delle visite, (ho ricevuto anche nella mia posta elettrica richieste di consigli.......)

Questo è un pan brioche che ho prerato, agghindato, regalato alla mia migliore amica e...... ovviamente pubblicato.

La pagherò cara......


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Legal Auctions In Caglary

to Askabad

2001 was a very important year for me and intense.

February, a month in Baghdad.

July, solving personal problems.

August, a week to Askabad.

September, the fall of the twin towers. This tragic event for all the world to me meant, perhaps selfishly, the evaporate hopes of reopening of the excavations in Iraq and possibly my eventual collaboration.

In this post, but I would like to talk about the trip to Turkmenistan, proposed in an unexpected way and is a pleasant memory.

In fact, in early August was convened by the Department of Scientific Director of the Mission in Old Nisa, Turkmenistan and precisely.

documenting chased by the big ignoramus I am, I found that Nisa is a very important archaeological site.

It seems really simplistic talk of Prof. Invernizzi as scientific director of excavations at Nisa, and to find a satisfactory formula about his academic qualifications, I went searching on Google and there I was shocked by the number of publications during his career.

if You wish to deepen the face as I did.

He proposed, therefore, to go there to photograph a head in the ground cruda, se non capii male, raffigurante Mitridate e conservata nel museo della città.

Era stata fotografata altre 2 volte, ma il risultato non lo aveva soddisfatto e dovendo, credo, pubblicare i lavori della missione , aveva bisogno di foto belle.

Il Professor Invernizzi, devo dire è molto esigente e quindi.....

Io non sapevo neanche dove si trovasse questo Turmenistan, (ignorante, vero?) ma andai a controllare subito sull'atlante e pensai: "Capperi, è lontanuccio!"

La seconda cosa che feci fu precipitarmi in cantina per misurare la lunghezza delle aste porta lampade, onde acquistare un borsone che potesse contenere tutta la mia attrezzatura.

Decatlon helped me solve the problem.

I had to bring a trolley which contained both cameras. The digital

not yet appeared on my horizon.

I remember that I left alone on August 23, with bag and baggage by air exchange in Frankfurt, one-hour stopover in Baku on the night that looks, if I remember correctly on the Black Sea

finally arrived at its destination around 11 pm, but the end of my trip was complicated by an inefficient employee who took a lifetime to passport control.

were patiently waiting for Alexandra and Vito, two heroic members of the mission.

I managed to go to bed, in the place the camp's mission, after a journey of nearly half an hour, at about 3 am, but at 7 I was back on his feet.

We had to go to the museum, which was kept at the head that had to be taken from the room in which it was exposed. I dare not even imagine the bureaucratic difficulties the director of the Mission had to overcome to get permission beforehand.

Piazzai I still remember that my lamps and everything else, but a lamp bastard did not want to ignite. Fortunately, an electrician acted promptly solved the problem.

Then you finally arrived, a beautiful, but unfortunately there was no part of the face, the right if I am not mistaken.

Mi ricordo che fu un bellissimo lavoro, a me piace fotografare oggetti, e quel reperto era veramente eccezionale, anche perché gli scavi erano stati avari di ritrovamenti interessanti.

Ma la cosa che mi piacque di più fu rappresentata dal fatto che nel mio lavoro fui affiancata da Vito , giovane archeologo, gentile ed adorabile, che mi aiutò nell'illuminazione del reperto.

Io so come illuminare una testa, ho fotografato infatti centinaia di ritratti in marmo che mio marito doveva restaurare, prima , a volte durante e dopo il restauro,

Ma l'avere accanto un archeologo che sapeva esattamente quali dettagli dovevano emergere con la luce, in quanto conosceva a fondo l'oggetto e che io non potevo grasp, it was for me something really valuable.
fact, when Prof. Invernizzi saw the slides were of 6 x 7 cm. then very large, looking quickly against the said right away that was good.

A month after the book on the excavations had already published.

photographed other objects and, as usual, racing against time because the museum's closing time approached, but the most important thing was catered for.

want to talk about the housing of the mission participants, that year seemed particularly comfortable, I dare not think how it was before.

The missionaries were housed in the premises of an elementary school closed for Askabad summer vacation away from a half hour drive.

The banks were all gathered in one room and the classrooms were equipped with bedrooms, equipped with some of these mosquito nets hanging from the ceiling bought from Ikea.

mosquitoes but I do not remember the heat.

The room used as living / dining room was equipped with a long table covered with tarp that Claudia, the architect religiously cleaned with disinfectant and degreaser.

There were bottles of mineral water, but in that year were luxury because there was not even in the years before that.

A big bottle contained more water in which a woman who acted as cook, poured a few drops of Amuchina.

not remember exactly what he prepared to eat in two days that I was there, but I remember that prepared the homemade pasta that Claudio called "rags".

It also appears, but I had just removed, which I prepared the sauce, scalding the tomatoes in boiling water to obtain a sort of bald, and with an onion and a little 'oil prepared this simple dressing of which Claudio retained and remember that, years later, she thanked me.

The toilets were really "unique" and placed outside the school.

The shower had been fitted with a green sheet attached to a tubular frame and it seems to me that there was a kind of container that was to get the water temperature "solar" for washing and rinsing. So

use of improper terms to be accurate but I think I remember the booth in the masonry which served as a cabinet door with a real, well I would like to see, and a central hole and so far, so to speak, but it's all right left indelible smell terrible and forced them to reigned visits fast.
need, and especially out in apnea.

The mission was under the economy for which the participants, heroic, had to adapt to situations not at all comfortable.
But I know that now the accommodations are more comfortable.

I almost forget that the mission over by archaeologists and the architect was accompanied by a translator because the workers spoke Russian.

On Sunday we moved to the capital because the school had to be vacated for the resumption of classes. And to

Askabad accommodation was fantastic.

least 4-star hotel run by Italians. kitchen of your dreams.
Buffet for breakfast that makes you the lucciconi
pool. Show

stocked bar that evening was enlivened by pyriform businessmen and graceful maidens with the mission of alleviating their plight of the poor rich.

does not run very well because his passport had been detained by police for various practices.

The mythical market of interesting objects was too far away and then we were already all (it seems the story of Petra) for which I simply storm the hotel's boutiques and appended to Claudio, our architect, who looking carpets.

bought embroidered handbags, 2 mats hanging from a small and dense and delicious that I have not used it yet, and little else.

also bought 3 pots of fine caviar.

Two were given away but I could not try the third, but the story is too long.
I was lucky with the Customs for caviar that I was not even in part confiscated.
They told me that the applicant was represented cunning dal nascondere i vasetti nelle scarpe.
I doganieri lo sapevano già e quindi andavano a colpo sicuro.
La mia amica Robertina fu fortunata.
Se non ricordo male in quell'occasione misero le mani nella scarpa vuota.

La settimana volò in fretta e con la valigia ahimè non stracolma di regali, come di solito mi succedeva, ritornammo tutti a casa.

Ma quella settimana ad Askabad la ricordo ancora!