Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Much Does An Irish Setter Cost

buon natale a tuttiiii buccellati e torrone siciliano ricordo della mia infanzia e i bellissimi natali tutti insieme

nougat reminds me of when I was in Sicily with my family, uncles and cousins \u200b\u200ball together friends afar the Christmas night playing cards and mangiuchiare nougat made by her grandmother then I saw the fact that I'm here all alone enza s none of my family uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bso maybe I feel close to the `gold hand this Christmas as Christmas with the other loves of my life my husband and children finish eating this vabbe nougat and buccellati

with the help of a martyr who cut the nougat

put everything in a saucepan and stir until it melts as I see that all the sugar caramelized and well stretch out on the work table which I had soaked in a bit of the oil
always anointed with a rolling pin of the oil to Piata I do everything to dry a bit and the bit cutting

1 kg of roasted almonds, 700 g sugar, 4 cuchiaia organic honey

nevata with icing sugar ready to be eaten

these are buccellati of Palermo and the first time that they do there are 2 types only with the classic cool, chocolate, and dried fruits, or rather those that I made are different, these two friends of mine, I saw this recipe years since the classic ones that I do not like or tried these but they are really delicious taste some extraordinary or abundance of everything I expecially the chocolate

this the pastry made with lard, and milk in the pot you see the filling almonds, walnuts, jam melon, and 3 tablespoons of fig jam, dark chocolate drops, cinnamon , vanilla liquid

honey dew: melon white or made jam melon


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