Friday, June 4, 2010

Rolls 48v Power Battery

This is a sling of accuracy. So precise that tells us that a petunia flower weighs 0.3 grams. But he says many other things as we shall see.
The sling is in a pretty red box lined with white satin and topped by a red bow, comes with two batteries and a plastic cover as well as instruction in a very English eccentric. It weighs up to 500 grams with an accuracy of one tenth of a gram, you can set the tare weight and you can change the units of measurement. It is really accurate; weighings are consistent to a tenth of a gram, as promised. I bought in a shop in China by selling shares of Portaportese a bit 'of everything. In addition to the scale I bought a web camera, a kaleidoscope of color and a roll support for the iPhone. All for 32 €. The scale and costs 10 €.
Well, the fact that in a shop in Rome I can buy that subject as complex and sophisticated for ten euro I think is not only shocking but also disruptive. It means that China is out of the factory for up to maybe two euro. That there is an economic system capable of producing complex assets like my sling for a few Euros (equivalent to a small glass of wine) it means that nobody in the world outside of China can produce a sling of accuracy. This would not be serious if the problem affects only precision but unfortunately little scales cover all industrially produced goods, from light bulbs, radios, the cameras, t-shirts, etc to copiers. etc.
This means that globalization is destroying the manufacturing industry in the rest of the world with catastrophic consequences on employment. The millions who worked in factories to produce something now compete with millions of others to jobs and services. The abundant supply of labor depresses wages and makes work precarious as you know young people today.
This means that to produce our complicated Sling € two million workers cinesi lavorano dodici ore al giorno per una paga di forse cento dollari al mese. Prima morivano di fame quindi è sempre un progresso, ma sempre di sfruttamento feroce si tratta.
Questo vuol dire che nel resto del mondo si perde il know-how per produrre i beni. Una volta che un'industria è morta, sia essa elettronica o chimica o meccanica o quant'altro, risuscitarla è molto difficile.
Questo vuol dire che gli oggetti perdono il loro valore e non vengono più rispettati e quindi non viene più rispettato il lavoro che c'è dietro. Voglio dire che se la bilancina mi fosse costata cento euro invece di dieci l'avrei tenuta più da conto e l'avrei trattata meglio e l'avrei fatta durare di più.
Secondo me la globalizzazione that gives us the Sling ten euro entails more disadvantages than advantages and should begin to wonder whether that is mandatory.
Alfredo Matacotta
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as you have seen this very interesting post is not mine, unfortunately, and it is with great pleasure that the public you.
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