Sunday, September 13, 2009

Original Dabur Amla Hair Oil

My mission ...

We are falling back ....

Again the months have passed without adding the 'epilogue, perhaps, this series of stories ...

do not have a great memory, some people remain, etched in their minds facts, places, conversations with the remember even the words .... this does not happen to me!
But this time, the late '60s, I remember well a net ..

As I wrote in my previous post, the mission was upset, I would add marred by the presence of this expert with the air of wanting to listen to all with air benign, almost confessional (yes he was a former priest) caused, cheeks to comment .....

In addition, da vero censore della morale, riportava al nostro capo tutti quegli atteggiamenti, conoscenze ed amicizie che a lui sembravano poco...convenienti....

Io stessa ne sono rimasta danneggiata con relativa "punizione"..

Infatti fui mandata a svolgere il mio lavoro fotografico sullo scavo in una realtà molto scomoda dal punto di vista professionale, infatti dovevo lavorare in un prefabbricato con pavimento di legno ( e questo mi dava fastidio per via della stabilità, infatti prima di scattare le mie foto dovevo stare ferma altrimenti ballava tutto e le foto potevano risultare mosse) e per la corrente elettrica fornita a fasi discontinue da un generatore.....

Ma non fu neanche quello il problema più grosso: la nostra restorer, young and very good at her job, it was considered the center of a conspiracy which, according to her, I was part .....

Inference totally free of charge but which lead to unpleasant repercussions in every sense ..... In

mission aims to establish friendly relations: you are away from home, we are sad, we tend to make personal confidences and that is what happened between me and her ...

I told her about the "facts" of mine and she did the same but .... when you created this atmosphere full of tension, the poor girl told her everything that I told the guy I mentioned earlier with the result that when I returned to the Institute for a short period of detachment during the Christmas holidays tutti e dico tutti sapevano i miei fatti personali....

In più la restauratrice in questione decise di interrompere il suo rapporto di lavoro che doveva svolgersi nell'arco di sei mesi e si impegnò, per fortuna nostra , a trovare un sostituto attingendo alle risorse che le venivano offerte dall'Istituto di Restauro di Faenza che lei stessa aveva frequentato.....

Il primo candidato contattato non poté venire a lavorare per noi in quanto doveva soddisfare gli obblighi di leva e quindi ne trovò un altro che, pur frequentando l'ultimo anno di scuola e precisamente il biennio di restauro, poteva impunemente assentarsi dalle lezioni per un periodo di tre mesi.....

Fu così che questo aspirante restauratore venne to Turin to get in touch with the leaders of my Institute and to define schedules and fees.

then I went around the premises of the Centro Scavi to see that face was because we had to meet in Rome (he was from Faenza) to continue the journey to Baghdad ...

I still remember: waterproof plastic white flared trousers (it was the 70s) black beard (grown as a result of an automobile accident that prevented him from shaving for a long time) mass of wavy hair and ... eye was so low ..... at least in appearance.

I must say that the moment I am not inspired by any feeling of sympathy either ... I was completely indifferent and he appears as a mother with at least two children .. so I said (I must say that since I was in good flesh and not exactly a show of elegance !!)..

course as debut for what later became my great love was not great!

We ended up at the airport in Rome: I was seething because the plane was to leave shortly afterwards and he ... NOT ARRIVED!!

finally saw him coming in the wake of a porter (the trolley had not been invented yet) completely relaxed and Olympic ......

I remembered later that I told him of all colors ....

The return trip to Baghdad turned at least for me with a sense of anxiety because I was conscious that the atmosphere that I found was not the best but I did not know that during those months that followed, up to Easter, my life would change .....