Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Play Pokemon Diamond On Mac

Part Six Part Five ... My mission

Yes I did spend several months since the last episode even though I promised not to!!

I went to reread what I said in my previous post to not only repeat myself and now I can think of other events.

The mission home, the first, was surrounded by a small garden designed by Gheorghis an old age of 200 years seemed so old and dilapidated.

His two sons worked with us as waiters, ma la sua era una "dinastia" di camerieri che prestavano servizio presso le case di altri italiani, per lo più dipendenti dell'ambasciata e, a modo loro, masticavano un po' di italiano misto ad arabo.

Un giorno arrivò Just, chiamato così per abbreviarne il nome, ma il nome completo sarebbe stato Just Arrived.

Infatti costui, che poi era un delizioso cucciolo di cane giallo, come quasi tutti i cani iraqueni, credo fosse stato messo di proposito nel nostro giardino seguito a ruota da un altro che, malati come eravamo di nostalgia, fu subito battezzato Valentino, sicuramente fratello dell'altro.

Ma era una Valentina.

Furono accuditi clandestinamente, considerando l'avversione of our head for the dogs (those that circulated around the excavation were really dangerous) and the time of return will poses the problem of vaccination and all rognosissime practices relating to air transport.

And why?? Why

archaeologist who doted on the animals had decided not only that if they would be brought to Italy but that I, who both stayed at home, I could be interested.

I do not know how I managed to do everything, but our trust Gibrail, a son of Gheorghis, I accompanied them to a veterinarian for the practices.

of that center only remember a veterinary surgeon (I hope very much that it was) with the arm pulled up to the armpit in the back of a cow ......

Then I picked up a box of empty Blak and White who was the "carrier" is intended to accommodate two cubs towards their destiny golden Italian.

Then came the Mau Mau a disdainful cat who always rode in the yard.

disdainful because it can be approached but who enjoyed our leftovers.

At one point, began to rise so we were all anxious to witness the happy event.

do not know how you slipped into my room and, taking advantage of the open a closet, was positioned on my underwear and LI 'broke the water.

not pay for what was to give birth under my bed so I spent the whole night to see what ...... if combined could be useful in some way.

She was an illegal this time housed with its delicious four puppies in the room of designers.

flow rates from eating (he deigned to accept), and while contemplating the smaller growing visibly .....

One day on my return home, I was probably going to the souks, going up the stairs to my office I saw the photo first puppy died and one by one located on the stairs all the others.

trapped in the house had been the male who had killed in order to have the mother, and failing to find an escape route became very dangerous.

Luckily there was a translator of cuneiform 2 meters tall that confronted him in a hand holding the lid of the dustbin to mo 'shield and the other a cardboard tube designed to contain the drawings as having been a sword. The cat

considering the height of the opponent, it was placed on the cabinet top to attack but luckily it was put to flight.

very many years have passed but the memory of those mangled little bodies are still vivid in my memory.

Our social life was not very active but mostly it was boring.

I still remember those receptions at the embassy embassy had all really tired tant'è vero che un anno mio rifiutai di portare abiti da sera per avere la scusa di non parteciparvi.

La nostra vita trascorreva tranquilla: ognuno faceva il suo lavoro e ce n' era veramente tanto e quindi a parte qualche gita nei dintorni, opportunamente organizzata con i vari permessi della Soprintendenza iraquena, non succedeva nulla di eclatante.

Solo un anno ci fu un problema abbastanza grave che ci toccò abbastanza da vicino.

Un carico di grano da semina trattato al mercurio (per preservarlo dalla marcescenza) e destinato alla semina era stato inviato al popolo iraqueno dagli Stati Uniti che allora erano un stato amico di Saddam .

Il guaio fu rappresentato dal fatto che ad un certo punto questo grain (due to ignorance and lack of information) was fed to chickens and other animals at home that some were promptly died were thrown into the polluted river and causing the memory of the fish and others eat.

Our chef did not know what to bring to the table and the memory of the good lunches we had prepared the applicant in comparison with what he could cook!

But this was less than what had happened to those who had eaten the poisoned animals!

the late 60's the life of our mission was upset (it is a polite euphemism) by the presence of a member as an expert came in and I can not say anything more because it is still alive, who sowed discord wherever he happened to pass. In any environment

just one of these people to make it difficult to live together ......