Sunday, December 14, 2008

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My Missions ..... Part Four

Maybe someone will ask: "Is that all guesses (Di Pietro to!) This plaster head with my work in Iraq?

Instead is irrelevant ......

In Baghdad Museum was a kind of laboratory, which of course I have never seen, because access to many local (deposits, restoration etc..) is prohibited to the public. in which the copies were made of plaster of the most beautiful and interesting exhibits on display in the museum.

Now I do not quite remember what I paid, and thanks to those who come into possession of it is .....

At that time we send when we returned home, the large wooden boxes and made specifically for us to do the mission that led to him I managed to take home with bulky items that I could never carry through the means traditional .....

Now this beautiful plaster copy represents the head of a statue found in the ruins of Hatra, northern Iraq, is located in the entrance of my house, together with other two, but lower interest (a duck but always painted in black chalk and a black Gudea statuette of a standing with his hands clasped and with the skirt bearing cuneiform writing.

Perhaps in the previous picture has been may notice slight bruising, never restored, although my husband restorer in fact, due to cushion the blows of my children who chased around the room.

The head is almost sprint the floor and I thought: "Well, so much hard to pack, get her to my parents' house, then move into the house where I went to live when I got married, and finally the last move here, and these two unfortunate moments to me destroy !!!!!!"

I must say that I snarled long!

The picture that appears below is the poster of the exhibition of the same name which was inaugurated in Turin 20 years ago.

I do not know Excavations such as the Center did not have a decent photo of the statuette in alabaster body and head with gold, so I commissioned to photograph even though I was already retired a few years.

remember that oversees several officials attended the opening of the case that the content and quality of what made me a kind of apprehension also because I'm used to working alone with no one to me is between the feet or less that I observe.

Shooting in black and white and color slides of 6x7 cm were to be not only perfect but did not allow replication, but the digital and all that technology offers today!

Now, while using the digital I and blessed is the time when it was invented, and I can say with knowledge that everyone can be good photographers, but in the archaeological field over the proper use of the medium, comes into the field ' appropriate lighting that highlights the special features, not always very evident that you must document the find.

As I happened later with the digital medium, the coverage must also be good now because there is no time to make adjustments with the photo-shop indeed in più sempre ho scaricato la Cf direttamente sul pc dell'archeologa con cui stavo lavorando.

Sono riuscita a trovare in rete alcuni degli oggetti degli scavi, come questo deliziosi cestino in ceramica invetriata.

Purtroppo le dimensioni delle foto postate sono veramente poco omogenee ma non ho potuto, o saputo, fare di meglio....

Qui sotto è raffigurata la copertina di una importante opera del Prof. Invernizzi,una delle tante, articolata in tre grandi tomi e contenente tutte le mie riprese relative ad un tema specifico: le bullae.

Ripeto le dimensioni delle foto postate sono varie, but the findings are depicted as big as a fingernail. I spoke earlier of the bullae, and then I do not repeat here.

On the left are represented the excavations of Tell Omar, who were undergoing restoration.

fact at one point the mission was expanded and began to get a lot of "experts" highly paid, who were just hired for the restoration of the site I mentioned.

E 'can see from the photos that urban developments, being built with sun-dried bricks of earth, was inevitably subject to atmospheric degradation.

of rain will not speak, but the dust storms that "accarezzavano" sicuramente con veemenza tutto ciò che incontravano non era certo una cura di bellezza per certi siti archeologici.

Gli operai sullo scavo sistemavano in una cornice quadrata della terra impastata con acqua e quando questa forma si era sufficientemente compattata, veniva sfilata dalla forma e messa a seccare al sole.

Ricordo che arrivò un chimico, un ingegnere minerario, un architetto, vari altri "esperti" e un altro fotografo, che doveva fare le riprese fotogrammetriche e aiutare me nelle riprese dei reperti una volta finito il suo lavoro, cosa che non fece continuando a cincischiare con le sue lastre fino a quando il suo capo mi chiese se c'era collaborazione.

Quando gli dissi che di collaboration there was just sent him a photograph and had it until midnight.

were the wives of the experts, can not remember in what capacity, you probably paid the travel and living expenses because the time spent by their husbands was about three months.

archaeologists also came from Rome and Sicily (can not remember the city) which is not absolutely tied with colleagues from Turin where the climate was often quite tense.

The clashes do not say they were on the agenda, but quite often.

was fighting with the prehistoric often came from Rome and was resentful towards me in particular and with the Mission in general, because I did the filming of his findings to the museum and not for printing photos.

I avvastanza I had the rest of my work so I did not dream of shifting course of the other!

Plus I always scrounge cigarettes.

One morning we were both going to the museum and said, "Give me 5 or 6 cigarettes well enough for me all morning" at which point I told him four.

then concluded a non-aggression pact that also survived the fire caused by her in my room.

I had never bought a hair dryer on a mission as we exchange. That year I

instead spending crazy, hahaha, and by purchasing a low cost.

One day my, let's call it, a friend asked me to borrow and saw that my room was near the bathroom, after washing "the hair" as she said, and the dye was made to finish the drying operation always in my room.

pity to go to the bathroom to check the color had left the hairdryer on the bed that had a plastic mattress for which, after having covered a front of the mirror, retracing his steps he found the room on fire .... .

Luckily I was in the toilet so I missed the photographic scene, but the stench of burnt I still remember.

He had to repaint the room, to repay all the damage that the fire destroyed, not much, thankfully!

Unfortunately I have to tell some more things before you speak of the encounter with what would become my husband, but I swear that I will not spend another 4 months before doing so.

the next!