Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To Repair My Baby Lock Denim Pro

My mission ... Part Three

This and the following photos were taken on the occasion of the exhibition, which took place in February 2007 in Turin Palazzo Madama. Here are some

depicted Mebra Mission.

the center, with sunglasses, Prof. Gullini now that there is more .... an incalculable loss!!

The picture quality is poor because the shots were taken during the scrolling of a video showing the different types of bullae .....

that I have photographed thousands ....

The bullae are the dumplings from the clay vary in size from a fingernail to the size of a large walnut, which were imprinted on a variety of shapes and written in greek .....

from a minimum of one to a dozen, all photographed one by one ....

were studied, inventoried, they were made and casts the results of these studies has appeared in a major publication in three volumes, divided by type .....

Portraits single, double, figurines, masks, animals .... and written in greek

I have photographed in black and white ....

I've printed to scale ....

I have color photos, slides all macros .... ...

I've cropped to remove the lump of clay that was used to support them ....

And always with two 500-watt lamps ..... Summer then was a pleasure!

The photo below represents one of the thousands of terracotta photographed ..... cute!

Seleucia Why?

My manager before starting the adventure iraquena, after a thorough study of Herodotus, had choice and I do not know under what criteria.

Iraq is an amazing country: everywhere you go, just a little out of town and close to many archaeological sites that are really, you can, scraping a bit 'the land, see emergence of archaeological finds.

Maybe not, whole or coins or pottery vessels but always something really interesting.

It was said that on Friday, a day of celebration, some diplomats, and at that time the foreign embassies in Iraq were really a lot, went around in the vicinity of these sites "for telling".

Now explain what that means.

"Tel", in Arabic, means the hill (just to say we were digging at Tell Omar), and then go "for telling", a neologism created for the event, meant to go to these places, dig and not so much deep, and looting everything they could find.

Then with the diplomatic bag could make out from the land whatever they wanted ....

methods of excavation were then sometimes senseless.

I remember once we were andati in gita ad Ur e la missione tedesca invece di andare in profondità, scavando strato per strato, aveva creato una voragine profonda parecchi metri e si vedevano gli strati in cui affioravano frammenti di ceramica.

Nessuno degli archeologi seppe trovare una risposta ad un modo così poco ortodosso di condurre uno scavo……..

Nonostante la mia ignoranza in materia ricordo che rimasi veramente colpita.

Il nostro direttore invece usava un metodo non so se ideato da lui o copiato da altri che consisteva nel dividere lo scavo in quadrati.

Così era possibile registrare sul giornale di scavo tutte le notizie relative what daily came out for what concerned the materials for what concerned the planning of the site.

I still remember that one evening, had returned to our home overjoyed.

They had found a hoard of silver coins depicting Khosrow II still wrapped in a cloth bag.


I was a little 'less.

find a hoard of 387 coins means making 764 photos, to and back even though they were all the same.

And also remember that a few days after going to the souk SAME I saw in a shop.

Now I, after a photograph to remember me well ... .. but wondered where they came from and how they had acquired also an impediment to language!

Our life mission was by no means overwhelming.

soon became a daily routine.

For those who went on digging, as I said, it meant getting up early and, still asleep face a journey of 60 km in part, the shortest distance on city streets and roads for the rest less easy.

For those who remained in the city meant being at home all day, holed up in the toilet or photo with the air conditioner was going to ball, to develop and print photographs or other local artifacts from morning to evening.

Qualche volta, tanto per dare una botta di vita alla mia giornata saltavo il pranzo e andavo a piedi al suq.

Da sola.

Bastava o prendere uno di quei microbus stipati all’inverosimile di gente oppure andare in taxi o, appunto andare a piedi.

Bastava andare, per recarsi al suq “safafir”, il suq del rame, dal ponte, quello vicino a casa all’altro, attraversarlo arrivando così in Rashid Street la via più importante e caotica di Bagdad.

La città è divisa dal Tigri e le due parti sono collegate da 7 ponti per cui anche con il mio senso di orientamento pari a zero riuscivo, without getting lost, go to your destination without problems. If this were to happen I do not know what I could combine!!

I bought everything possible, plates, trays, samovar, carpets and not only there but also in time Saadun Street where several stores were run by Iranians, knitted fabrics of the nearby souks and spices.

The spice souk was then a riot of colors and scents.

Montagnole colored powders and all the warm colors were arranged neatly on the shelves.

The only problem was the fact that I did not know use for most of them for which the mie scelte furono limitate, ma acquistai chiodi di garofano (ne ho ancora) cannella in stecche e in polvere, zafferano (il più caro) curcuma, noci moscate e altro ancora.

In questo suq non ebbi modo di contrattare ma ogni singola cosa, ogni acquisto era preceduto da una accanita contrattazione e alla fine divenne una cosa estenuante anche perché essendo io bravissima lo facevo anche per gli altri.

Poi tornata a casa , a Torino, mettevo le spezie in sacchettini con l’indicazione del contenuto e li regalavo per Natale.

Un successo!!!

Potrebbe essere un’idea per chi mi legge, ma sicuramente will already have occurred.

the evening as I said earlier it was just after dinner (and I will speak later of how I started to flirt with the man who became my husband, because this happened a few years later !!!).

read, write home, we played cards and the precision brush.

In one of those occasions was missing the fourth player.

Now I'm a dog playing cards, I do not like, I do not remember the cards thrown away by others, I do not know the score, but ... ... the fourth was missing.

Then my boss asked me to take a seat at the table.

combinai I do all the colors even though I knew something about the rules ... .. just to say I could also to scrap the Seven of Diamonds.

So I lose the game to my director.

who hated to lose.

What I said growling voice: "When you do not know how to play, you do not play !!!!"

" Wait, I thought, do not fool me more!

few nights after the fourth was missing again ... ..

My manager came up to me and told me fluty voice: "Grace is playing?"

And I told him seriously, seriously: "I DO NOT ORDER WITH YOU MORE '"

This was the mother of all the gaffes!

I was truly of God and soul, I swear, I did not know other meanings of the word in question as well as to Sweep ... .. perhaps the result of education!

I remember that night clearly everyone here jumped on the couch, going to roll with laughter behind the curtains.

After all who arrived in Baghdad, belonging to the mission, were welcomed at the airport by the phrase: "Do you know what he said to Grace Gullini?"

After so many years I think if someone still remember! !