Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Congrats On Baby Twinsquotes

The second part of my missions ... My ....

Sorry for the long interval elapsed from the first post ..

'm always here to pc but I preferred the other cooking blog that took me much more ....

Rereading the comments and thanking all the friends I have left them, apologizing for not answering here, there are two types of claims ... ... (the word is not very probably guessed), that admiration, if one can define, for a job that brought me this far and regret for some of my friends not to aver potuto realizzare il loro sogno e cioè di fare l’archeologo.

Il fascino di andare in terre lontane, di vedere emergere dal terreno polveroso reperti preziosi celati per centinaia di anni, e nel caso dell’Iraq da almeno 2 millenni, rimane intatto!!

Però pochi sanno che il lavoro dell’archeologo, e io lo posso affermare con cognizione di causa, è duro.

Intanto ci vuole una profonda conoscenza della storia e della letteratura antica: all’epoca si poteva accedere alla frequentazione delle facoltà umanistiche avendo alle spalle la maturità classica.

Lo studio Latin and greek and knowledge of the works of historians was basic.

I remember that my director had relied on the history of Herodotus to choose which archaeological site to dig.

I still remember a fascinating Afghan student who desperately studying privately greek to attend classes and can not be more precise.

Then he married a student to "connect" with her and went to work in Kabul.

Later he arranged professionally in all colors, stealing artifacts and selling them and collected among other failures including the sinking of her marriage ... .. but this often happens in marriages with foreigners!

Around the beginning of the 60s, the Institute for its fascination with archeology and perhaps because it seemed a study group "high" was attended by students belonging to middle class.

There was the Countess C.di A., the count of L. and sometimes I happened to go to their homes where I was greeted by a butler and I swear that when I came to my house this well ... I was a bit 'tight!

not happened then as now, especially in my room, to hear a whisper Caleche or smelling of Chanel No. 5 I revealed that quell'abitino so cute that I was just watching was "A "!!!. LANVIN

I said, and sometimes I lose a little 'memories, that the work of the archaeologist was and is hard though now greatly help the technological supports the work of indexing and cataloging of artifacts of the images.

The archaeologist must study more, to dig up and publish, and all those who work professionally in academia knows that.

As for doctors, researchers, etc., is the basic number of studies published!

Nel nostro caso specifico e dovendo lavorare all’estero era ed è importante l’organizzazione della missione.

Quindi occorre scegliere residenze cittadine ( nel nostro caso da una villetta siamo passati a tre quando il numero dei “missionari” è aumentato), reperire personale di servizio, cuoco, camerieri e cameriere, giardiniere, autisti, almeno 2 perché la località di scavo era a 60 km di distanza.ecc

All’inizio gli archeologi che tutte le mattine dovevano andare sugli scavi erano solo tre (quelli che si erano appena laureati con il nuovo direttore) e si dovevano alzare alle 5 per essere presenti sullo scavo in simultaneous arrival of the workmen at the excavation.

Then the numbers increased and they found themselves most comfortable accommodation right on digging.

Here it is worth talking about this kind of valuable employees.

These were the skilled workers who came from a village in northern Iraq (and I hope to do it right!) named Kalas Shergaat and then they were obviously Shergatin.

They knew exactly what they should do, how they should use the trowel, what was expected of them ... the archaeologists.

were precious and in short were often incensed, in a case too, as happened once for their leader who was called "THE PEARL .

Two balls so to me: The Pearl has said (in Arabic of course) .... The Pearl smiled so .... Luckily it was good and maybe this kind of incensed served, as was the head, a better functioning of the group.

Lunch, prepared by the cook the night before, was represented by sandwiches filled with cheese that looked like white plastic iraqi topped with chopped olio e sale), probabilmente forse anche della verdura..

Devo dire che a me interessava poco in quanto io rimanevo in città quindi per me la cosa era diversa.

Ricordo ancora quando tornavano la sera verso le 17, sporchi, pieni di polvere, famelici che si piazzavano davanti al frigo in cucina sotto lo sguardo costernato del cuoco e che prelevavano tutto il commestibile e lo divoravano.

Poi doccia, cena, magari quattro chiacchiere con un bicchiere di wishey davanti e una ciotolona di pistacchi da sgranocchiare e in seguito o si scriveva a casa o si continuava a studiare e catalogare in restauro o si flirtava a bit '... ..

How many loves have been born on a mission ... ... including my own!