Saturday, November 10, 2007

Old Bausch & Lomb Spotting Scope Opinion


Cesare Marchi, who died not many years, was a witty professor of Italian.
taught, if I remember in middle school or above, appeared on television and has left a legacy of several books dealing with just his matter.
I do possess some and I have often refreshed his memory when I followed the children in their studies. Logical analysis, grammar, verbs, paradigms, adjectives, nouns, synonyms.
Regarding synonyms still remember the group of its personnel and those related to happiness than unhappiness and said that the family's happiness was very low and it was a list of a few lines, while the immense unhappiness was and occupied a good half a page.
Now I do not want to sound enthusiastic, ever cheerful, they are often zumpappà ever, but the dawn of my 65 years I would like to make a list of things, feelings that make me contenta, felice, soddisfatta, appagata e non sono grandi cose ma le cose del vivere quotidiano. Forse basta saper cogliere questi momenti per essere felici?
La felicità è svegliarsi al mattino contenti di cominciare un'altra giornata e non volersi ficcare sotto la moquette per non affrontare la vita.
La felicità è vedere che il tuo gatto ti guarda con occhi adoranti anche se assonnati, specie se ti sei svegliata presto (cercando di scacciare il dubbio che ti veda a forma di crocchetta).
La felicità è sentire il telefono squillare alle 8 del mattino e sentire la voce di tuo figlio che ti augura il buon giorno anche se magari approfitta di una sosta liberatoria in bagno.
La felicita è quando tra le 8 e le 9 di night your child calls you back because, even during the day he has not been felt even on messenger because he was busy. And we found both with the cordless set between the ear and shoulder while he loads the washing machine and asks you advice or asks you what to do while the chicken is still frozen. And the direct link between you and him do not ever break.
Happiness is when your son telefofona because he feels that the tone of your voice is brilliant as usual and is afraid that you feel a little unhappy, and then you understand that distance is really cleared, he is always there with you with his love and I want to say that is not a mama's boy.
Happiness is have a nice pile of books to read and I have to read them.
Happiness is having a computer and be able to figure out how to get it to work by bringing into play all of your gray cells and tonsils of your children, who still bleed, and that you are mitered to let you know what to do. It is not easy at my age (but I've got three years) to understand these new technologies, but the trauma I had been even before the camera. But I passed! Sometimes I think of ladies who also have 10 years younger than me and can read the messages on the phone.

Happiness is the joyous and festive event at 8.30 am or 6 pm when you call your daughter that her little voice Merry exclaimed "Mammuccia" and company will do when she arrives early to work or back in the evening and will make the record of the day.
Happiness is knowing that your son has a pretty girlfriend, never hurts, all right, he is happy that they are indeed happy and madly in love and know that she has something more than normal.
Happiness is knowing that your son wants to educate its children in the same manner in which he was educated.
Happiness is knowing that your daughter happy and live with a lovely guy, serious, hardworking, and I love how the first day and that will be good parents.
Happiness is hearing your child laugh like an idiot and while driving (the will jack mad) because he understood that you have eaten the fish to the "porn" instead of the oven without being able to stop.
Happiness is realizing that you spent a day without being assaulted by fury at the memory of a separation that you have ruined his life for a long time, but ended in a civil manner.
Happiness is being told that I deal with friends of my children as if they were my children.
Happiness is to dress well for your pleasure.
Happiness is to dress well without selling a kidney to buy rags.
Happiness is to have true friends, a few, which also call only twice a year to see if they are good, if everything okay, love, child labor, health and feel the joy in their voice when they hear that you are.
Happiness is health really appreciate when there and try to "love" Do not ruin for the existence of small things.
Happiness is going to look for something special as a gift but not expensive, sought consistently, lovingly, imagining his face already surprised, moved the recipient of the gift.
Happiness is things start cooking tasty and prepared with care for my loved ones or to give to friends during the holidays or just when you go to find them.
I think I could go on for a while but I think that is enough for now. I am content
a little?
I do not think.