Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gay Bathhouses In Northern Nj

a prayer for the jappone

jappone a prayer for the Lord help us all a real disaster at the heart of the whole world is crying for hope that the `gold stop and not continue more the photos and see my friend eleanor

Friday, March 4, 2011

Percent Of Women Who Get Brazilian Wax

Diary of a zia.1

Since today is officially my aunt babysitting my niece Angelica. I have against him considerable admiration for the wisdom with which he left me fumbling on the first diaper change. He did not even have a face in front of my face smiling while trying to follow it adjust to its rhythm. I've seen moving between the spaces of the house, overcome obstacles, explore, make choices and it seemed to me extraordinarily tenacious. It was abandoned, destroyed tired, my arms, beautiful. And I said "Frank, remember this moment" while looking at her with a tenderness of a different quality to try to date all the tenderness in my life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Indoor Soccer Cleats In Las Vegas

spaghetti with zucchini and cherry tomatoes sautéed

ready to eat this is my part since I'm on a diet
zucchini 10 cherry tomatoes

garlic oil, salt, pepper.
nutmeg, capers, parsley spaghetti

put the oil in a frying pan heat a little foul: Cut the zucchini into slices, put them in the pan and fry them agiungere a bit then the tomatoes, capers, salt, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, parsley, cook over low heat a bit: I add a bit of pasta water to drain ; pasta I put them all together and jump in the pan a bit fast and very good: you can add Parmesan